25- I see my own deathtrap

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I laugh loudly and uncontrollably when Kaida makes another funny face. I mean she's cute and all but the faces she's pulling are hilarious.

"Okay. Okay. I'm pretty sure the goal of charades is to not make people die of laughter" I mutter after calming down.

I hear my stomach growl. Okay. That's my cue.

"I'm hungry" Kaida mutters.

"Well, guess what, I'm hungry too" I state. She giggles as we make our way to the kitchen.

"What are you two up to?" Dagon appears out of nowhere. Vampire speed.

"We're hungry so I'm making a sandwich" I state. He stares at me emotionlessly before laughing.

"You're going to cook? Funny" he says.

Hey! I throw the cabbage at him and he catches it effortlessly in between laughter.

Kaida mimics me and throws an apple at him which he catches too. I wink at her.

"Good girl"

"Two against one. How unfair" he states.

I ignore him and proceed to make the sandwiches. At the end of it, they manage to come out decent. I'm not much of a cook. Takeouts, Starbucks and McDonald's ruined me.

I do make mean Spaghetti though.

"Hmm...it's nice" Kaida mumbles as she stuffs her face. I'm glad she likes them.

"So...you cook?" He says more seriously. He watched me while I made the sandwiches like it was the most fascinating thing.

"Only Spaghetti and Sandwiches. I'm not much of a cook"

"Good thing, I don't eat food"

I don't fail to catch the hidden meaning. He's getting used to me. I'm getting used to him. Heck, I'm already used to him. I'm going to fall. I'm falling. I've fallen. I love him. His eyes. His hair. His lips. His voice. Everything. This life seems perfect. Me cooking for Kaida. And Dagon watching me cook for Kaida.

"I want to kiss you" he says. I'm light-headed. I want to kiss him too. I look at Kaida who's stuffing her face. He looks at her too, then takes a hold of my hand.

When we reach his room-my new favorite place-he closes the door and we kiss. My back against the wall, my legs wrapped around his waist, his hands on my hips, and my hands in his hair. He tastes like... mint and smells like spices and earth. He groans when I tug at his hair tightly. His lips light a flame in my mouth and as his lips leave my lips and acquaint themselves with my neck, the fire spreads throughout my body. When he pulls away, I'm breathless. I want more. I need more. I need him.

His eyes are dark. His fangs are visible. I don't care. I lean into him to kiss him but he pulls back.

I blink in surprise.

"If you kiss me, I am not responsible for what comes next"

Without a single thought, I kiss him.

His lips. So addictive. So delicious. It doesn't matter how much I kiss him, it's never going to be enough. I'll always crave him.

He sets me on the bed and I sit while he kneels in front of me. The moon casts a glow on his features making him look... Mythical. Magical. I kiss him. He pulls back.

"Have you ever done this before?"

"No" I breathe deeply. Why is he stalling? I just need to kiss him.

His hands skillfully unbutton my trousers before unzipping them.

"You can lie on your back"

I do as I'm told and I feel my jeans come off. Cold air attacks my thighs but it's driven away by warmth. His warmth. He climbs on top of me, unbuttoning my shirt. His jaws are clenched. Like he's upset. I frown.

"Why are you mad?" I question.

"I'm not mad"

"Your jaws are clenched"

"Because, I'm restraining myself" he grits out.

"Dagon, I don't want you to hold back. I just want you...in every way"

He sighs.

"My name sounds so good on your lips" he mumbles. My shirt goes off, and so does his. My hands run through his chest and back, feeling every muscle. He's sexy.

He raises my right leg and his fingers run up my leg. I shiver. When his hands reach my inner thighs, I release a shaky breath.

Then, pleasure. Unimaginable pleasure. It has me gasping and moaning and shivering and practically whimpering his name.

When I feel him inside me, I want to scream from the sudden pain but I bite my lips instead. As immediately as it appeared, the pain disappears. It's replaced by electricity, sparks...and so much pleasure. It has me arching my back. Has him groaning and saying my name. Has me crying out his name.

When everything fades, we still. In each other's arms. On his bed. In his room. Nothing matters to me. Only him. Only the man lying next to me. I never want this to end. Us. I never want us to end.


It is different with Daphne. Everything is different with her. I brush her hair gently as she lies asleep in my embrace. She practically had me around her fingers, tugging at my hair. Scraping my back. Moaning my name.

The first woman I let in my room.

The first woman I let sleep in my bed.

The first woman I made love to in my bed.

The first woman I want to remain in my bed and in my room forever.

The first woman I love.

I love her.

So much. Nothing makes sense without her.

I won't ever let her go.

She's mine.

I'm hers.


I knew I loved her when she poured blood all over her ice cream.

She's the only one for me.

She's the only one I want to laugh with.

She's the only one that makes me laugh so hard.

She's the only one that doesn't make it lonely.

Her vanilla scent.

Her cherry lips.

Her brown eyes.

Her brown hair.

Her smile.

Her guts.

Her frown.

Her laugh.


I love her. She consumes my thoughts, morning, noon, and night. Without permission, she has invaded my mind. Without knowing, she's in my head. All the damn time. It's annoyingly sweet.

I love how she looks at me. My mother saw me as a tool to use against my father. My father sees me as a monster. My brother sees me as someone that needs fixing. Alma sees me as a love-starved child. But Daphne sees me as her protector. Her hope. Her safe place. And I love her for that.


This chapter was 😳😳😳...I am mind-blown and shy.

Anyways, I hope you all loved it. I loved writing it! I love it!

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