19- Embrace For Impact

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I rip out the heart of another wolf... they're so many. Unfortunately, I didn't bring a lot of Vampires with me. Ten vampires against almost two hundred wolves isn't a fair fight...not to mention we're eight now.

Erix slaughters a wolf beside me, pulling me to the side.

"Nikola sent word, they're at the other border"

Another attack??

"Not just there, some guards are also in the forest fighting off some wolves"

No, this isn't a coincidence.

"Is the palace unguarded?" I question.

"Alma's there, the King...there-"

I don't wait for him to finish his statement before leaving. Reaching the palace in no time, my eyes widen when I see blood on the doors and dead guards.

No. No. No. No. No. No.

Kaida. Daphne. No. If anything happens to them it will be my fault. I should have known it was a trap.

My legs suddenly feel heavy as I walk into the mansion. Blood. Maids dead. Hearing a crash from the ballroom, I hurry there.

Alma manages to kill the wolf, she turns to look at me, blood dripping from her hands.

"Don't worry, the kids and Daphne are safe. The King hid them"

I sigh in relief. I thought something bad happened.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I know it's my father.

"Where are they?" Alma asks.

"The children are in the library. Dagon..."

I turn to look at him. The very man I hate.

"As for Daphne, she's where she belongs"

I narrow my eyes.

"What do you mean?" Alma questions from behind me.

"I did what I had to"


I wince as I try to free myself from Caspian's tight grip. He isn't letting me go.

"If you continue struggling you'll only hurt yourself" he mutters pulling me to goodness knows where.

Ugh! I can't believe the King handed me to him. I can't believe he did this.

"Let me go! I am not your property" I state venomously. With that, he releases my wrist and grips my throat. I gasp in shock. His hold is not tight enough to choke me but it's firm against my neck.

"Who's property are you then? Dagon's?" His eyes burn golden with anger and jealousy.

"You are my mate! And you are only mine!" He declares burying his head in my neck and sniffing me.

I freeze, what is he doing? Is he sick?! I scrunch up my face in disgust, trying to push him off me.

"Mine" he states. This is disgusting! His breath against my neck and his arms around me. I hate this. I want him gone. I push him, hit him, thrash him... anything to put distance between us.

I can't stay with him. I can't. What if he takes advantage of me? What if he- no...no... please. I don't realize when I start crying and for some reason, this manages to stop him.

He pulls away from me.

"Don't cry. You're so beautiful, you shouldn't cry"

I stare at him wide-eyed, is he crazy? Why are his damn eyes golden? Was this his wolf? I have read about things like this and this is creepy as hell.

I step back putting as much distance between us as possible. I could turn and start running but that would be stupid because he would catch me in no time.

Suddenly, Dagon appears in front of me blocking Caspian away from me. I sigh in relief, almost smiling even. I am so grateful he's here. He came for me. Again.

He towers above Caspian, intimidating him.

"Did he hurt you?"

"Yes" I mutter with determination. Now, Dagon would teach him a lesson.

"How dare you touch her?!" He demands loudly. I swear Caspian shrinks a little.

"She's my mat-"

Dagon doesn't let him finish before throwing him across a tree. Caspian grunts in pain. Before he can recover, Dagon buries his hands deep into his chest. He wants to kill him, Good.

Caspian coughs blood helplessly. He's way more useless than I thought.

"I'm not going to kill you. You will return home knowing that all the men you sent to attack us are dead and that your plan failed again." Dagon mutters.

"You will return as a failure because that's what you are and will always be. A failure"

With that, Dagon releases him and approaches me. He cups my face with the hand that isn't covered in blood and I lean into it.

"Are you okay?"

I nod. He wraps his arm around me and I hug him back, breathing in the familiar scent of spices and earth. This is safe. Safe is him. I hug him tightly, I need to remember what a hug feels like.


"Safe is him"? Okay, I'm jealous of Daphne 😭

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