2 ~ You.

8 2 0

I wanted to try out for quarterback. What was this coach doing? Point? That's stupid.

"When I point at you go behind me." The coach said loud and clear as the boys cleared their throats as they swallowed dryly.

"You. Cornerback." The coach said pointing at a boy with wavy red hair and dark eyes. Not a very
Muscular build, but good enough, about 5'10. We known this boy as Luke Wilson. He walked behind the coaches tall build, the man towering over him, he had to be at least 6'5.

"You. Wide receiver." He pointed to Walker as he looked at me and smiled. His brown hair looking slightly blond in the sunlight. He's lucky he got what he wanted.

"Hmm?" The coach hummed tauntingly

"You." He pointed at me. My face shot up looking him in the eyes, blue eyes meet dark brown.


The rest was a blur I was just happy I got what I wanted.

Atlas shot me a look, his face was curled in a disgusted expression. He had gotten second string quarterback. Which wasn't bad, I didn't know why he hated me so much.

Walker walked over to me with a cocky smile on His face.

"What's up QB." Walker said not as a question clearly trying to make it known we got the positions we wanted. Atlas then walked by me with his posse of player as he shoulder checked me hard. I stumbled back shocked.

"Watch yourself brooks." Atlas said trying to be threatening but I wasn't going to back down that easily. The red head boy Luke came walking over to us as he saw the encounter. He was a junior, his dad was super rich and his mom left when he was young.

"Atlas is a dick, he always has been. I'm Luke!" Luke said smiling holding out his hand. I took his hand willfully and shook it.

"Caden." I said back to him. He smiled as we talked a little about football and our favorite teams.

Atlas hated me but I had people.


I walked through the doors of my own home slamming my backpack down beside the couch as I fell into it. I closed my eyes as I thought about today.

"Caden." A voice said sounding as if it was underwater.

"Caden!" The voice said more urgently.

All of the sudden the voices got clearer as I walked on a football turf, I'm in football pads and instead of Coach Williams, it's my dad.

What? This can't be real. He's dead.
Alright 3, 2, 1. Remember it's not real.

I tried to calm this dream down maybe even eliminate it, but it was too far gone. I had to ride it out.

"You're not real." I said to my dad as he looked at me confused.

"Caden what are you talking about, your playing in the state championships and your about to win, right?" He said exaggerating the "right?" Almost as if he were judging me.

Dad would never judge me. I don't think so?

"Caden!" Maria shouted.

"Wake up, you're sweating like a pig." She said disgusted. I clenched my jaw as she walked away.

What did that dream mean?

I brushed it off and went to take a shower to wash off the sweat.

I stood in the warm and cold ratio of the shower water. I thought about today. Atlas, Emma, that girl in my English class. And Walker my best friend in the entire world. Has been since 5th grade I remember it like it was yesterday.

"Hey! I'm Walker what's your name." The young boy said walking up to me with a smile on his face, and his brown eyes shining in the dim white light of the classroom.

"Uh it's caden!" I said slightly nervous as I didn't have many friends let alone people who talked to me. The boy smiled as he sat down with his lunch beside of me.

"Hey caden. Want to play football after school? My dad bought a new football, and he says we're gonna go play!" The boy said excited as if nothing else mattered in the world. I smiled at him my blue eyes lit up.

"Yeah!" I said a smile brighter than it had been in a while since my dad had passed away only a couple months earlier.

I felt like I had a friend for the first time in well, forever!

I smiled at the memories we had when we were kids it's hard to believe we're all so grown up now.

I picked up the towel as I wrapped it around myself, and went to my room to put my clothes on.

Casual clothes just some shorts and a hood.

The clock read "9:06"

I think it was time for me to go to bed now.
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter it's another relatively short chapter :| but you know. I'm trying to make them as long as possible!

Xoxo, alliestories_
835 words

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