Chapter 3

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I quickly showered and washed my hair. I threw on my dressing gown and made my way to the wardrobe. Thankfully, everything had been delivered and all my clothes where hung up and put away. I wanted to make a good impression on the neighbours so I took out a floral skater dress. I wasn't one for wearing dresses, I usually wear skinny jeans and band tees but I can have a break for one night.

I quickly changed and started on my makeup. I applied my primer and foundation before contouring my face. I added blush and bronzer before starting on my eyes. I decided to go with a simple cat eye and mascara before finishing with red lipstick. I straightened my hair and curled the ends before slipping into my flats.

"You look nice." Mum said as I met her at the doorway.
"Thanks." I shut the door and we made our way across. Mum knocked and a woman answered the door.
"Hi! Welcome, come on in." She smiled at us. "My name is Karen," she said still smiling.

"It's nice to meet you." I said also smiling back at her.
"I have a son around your age, he's through that door." She pointed through and made her way into the kitchen with mum and Jacob following.

I opened the door slowly and saw a boy with blonde hair sitting on the sofa.
"Hey," he smiled.
"Hi." I said awkwardly.
"You must be the new girl from across the road?" He asked.
I nodded. "I'm Michael." He stuck his hand out for me to shake.
"Gemma." I accepted, shaking his hand.

"Wanna play?" He asked holding up a remote. "Sure," I sat down while he loaded up Mario Kart.


"I can't believe you beat me!" He laughed.
"I did say I was really good." I smirked. "Whatever," he said, still laughing.
There was a knock on the door and Karen came walking in. "Foods ready."

We sat down and tucked into our meal. I must admit, my first day in Australia wasn't too bad. I got on with Michael really well and we'd only know each other less than an hour. Once we finished our meal, we sat up in Michaels room and just talked.


I'd never really spoken to a girl for so long before, and I really enjoyed talking to Gemma. She was really kind and funny, and she'd laugh at my jokes. Not sure if she was being nice or she actually found them funny!

"So have you seen much of Sydney yet?" I asked.
"Not yet, I had to help my mum unpack everything and then I had to get ready to come here." She explained.
"Well I could show you around?" I suggested. "If you want to that is." I added.

"Are you sure? Don't you have school?" She asked.
"Yeah but I could show you after."

She hesitated before answering. "If you're sure then I'd love to." She smiled.
"Great. I'll text you then?" I said.
"I don't have your number." She laughed.

We exchanged numbers before we were called down for Gemma to leave. I watched her leave before running back upstairs. I was actually excited to spent time with Gemma tomorrow.


I quickly ran upstairs and changed into my shorts and best top before wiping off my makeup. I made my way down stairs to grab a drink before bed.
"So did you enjoy yourself?" Mum asked as I grabbed a glass.
"Yeah I guess. Michael's going to show me around tomorrow after his finished school." I told her.
"Great. That great." She smiled.

"Ok, well I'm going to bed." I said before making my way upstairs. I tied my hair into a loose ponytail and settled into bed. I hadn't slept since flying on the plane and I was absolutely shattered.

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