Chapter 26

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Since it was the weekend, I decided to take a stroll into town. It shouldn't be that busy since the Christmas season is officially over. I take the bus and jump off outside the shopping centre. I was thinking about adding Amy, but I kind of just wanted to be alone.

I wandered through the shops, seeing if anything caught my eye - until something did. Or should I say someone. Surprise, surprise, Amanda just so happened to be in the same shop at the same time. I hung the top I was looking at and went to exit the store. "Hey look, the British girls here." I could jus vision her smirking behind my back. I tried to ignore her by walking out but she managed to catch up with me.

"What do you want?" I said folding my arms.
"Who said I wanted anything?"
"Well there must be a reason. Why else would you be talking to someone you hate?" I asked.
"I'm just enjoying the 6 months I have before Michael returns." She smiles.

I'm sick of her! I don't know how I'm going to get through 6 while months, when it hasn't even been longer than 2 weeks and she's already harassing me. I look her up and down and just leave. And by leave, I mean leave the shopping centre and leave for home. I can't even leave my own house without seeing her now?

"I'm back!" I say loud enough for mum to hear. "You wasn't gone for long?" She steps out of the kitchen. "There wasn't much to buy. Just left overs from Christmas." I lie sitting down. I remember my text from Michael and reach into my bag grabbing my phone.

'Hey! I miss you so much too! Sorry it's taken me a while to answer back, I've just been really really busy! :( Yeah schools great ;) I love you too! Xxxx'

"Gemma." My mum sits down. "Yeah." I look at her. "How are you coping?" She asks. "And I want you to answer truthfully." She adds.
"I'm doing ok, I just really miss him. It's not the same without him." I answer.
"Have you met up with any other friends?"
"Mum in not popular-" I start.
"Have you met up with any other friends?" She repeats.
"Gemma, I think you might be depressed." She says. "It's very common in teens going through something like this. The loss of a friend or family member."
"He's not dead mum."
"Yeah but he's at the other side of the world."
I sigh.

"You know when we left?" She asks. I nod. "Well Caspars mum called me. She was telling me how bad he was coping at school because he missed you so much." She explains. "Turns out he was diagnosed with depression. This is why I wanted you to make new friends, to avoid it."

I feel a tear slip down my cheek but instantly brush it off. I just look up to her and she's already staring down. "There's no need to be upset." She hugs me.

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