Chapter 45

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number 45, is that you? *sigh*

Chapter 45:

It was around one thirty that day. I left school and started walking under the falls of London. A cigarette was resting between my fingers, and a cough was leaving my mouth as my eyes scanned the grey surroundings. I had left school earlier that day because the headmaster noted he received a call from my father saying that my mother was rushed into the hospital.

She promised me that she was feeling better, I whispered to myself as the thunder cracked the sky above. A while after soaking under the rain, I ran into the direction of her room before I was blocked by a doctor painted in blue from head to toe.

"I need to see my mother, her name is Sally Malik." I breathed heavily, and I stared at the sharp blue eyes of that man.

"Are you related to the patient?" He ignorantly asked me and I bit my tongue, although I found it hard to.

"You speak English? I just said I need to see my mother." I flared my nostrils and gritted my teeth. He did not say a word; instead he stepped aside and made room for me to continue traipsing down the hall.

My hands were shaking, and my heart was breaking at the sight of my mother resting with her eyes closed and the heart monitor beating, loudly and slowly in the warm room.

For the first time, I've missed the only person that I was afraid to lose and she was not even gone. I was not alerted of how to behave ... how to act but I counted my steps. Seven steps, slow and painful, I reached her bed. The blue cover on the woolen duvet over that was her body. She was wearing a hospital robe but her eyelashes were still long and thick. Her slim face still reflected her sleeping beauty and her upper lip carved a heart shape in the middle.

That was my mother. A beauty I was only rewarded with for only 15 years of my life. "You once told me never to give up, right?" I spoke silently as I caressed her warm and rosy cheek. Her chest rose up and down slowly, her finger twitched but she did not wake up. "I yelled that day and I told you that when you keep your promise of feeling better I'll keep my promise of fighting for what I love." I continued. "You were my best friend, and I'm sorry I acted like an enemy at times ... I always knew you'd forgive me because your heart is better than mine." I clenched my jaw and it was harder for me to breathe. "Teach me how to forgive and love as much as you did?" I couldn't breathe as the loud beats escaping from the heart monitor rang in my ears.

"Teach me how to fight under this pain? Because all that I want is to stop breathing, mom." I paused and looked around because my eyes became blurred by my intense tears. "Teach me how to love in a turf of hatred."

So it took more than just ten minutes to reach my house because first: Raquel is wearing ridiculous heels and second Raquel has now blisters.

It's another warm Vancouver night, with the clock hitting 11:30, silent streets with only faded sounds of clubs blasting in the heart of this country.

It's a peaceful summer night with a girl that I love, but destiny loves me way too much he decided to make her just another person who has no trace for feelings towards me.

Don't forget that we're handcuffed and my wrist hurts oh so bad.

"You want to call your mother and tell her you're sleeping over tonight?" I ask her playfully and she widens her eyes in shock in my direction. I laugh and wipe the slop sided grin off my face and try to correct my words. "Fine," I shake my head, "spending the night at Laura's?"

"No, thank you." She clenches her jaw and moves both hands randomly before fighting to lock them together. She's either going through some mental damage since we're obviously handcuffed or she's doing this on purpose.

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