Karl x Climber🍋

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Dear god help me please i cant do this anymore im serious at this point plea

It was a dark and cold evening, stars filled up the dark and linely night which meant it was closing time for Castle of Nations, even though people barley visited the area, the crew were still proud of the park they were apart of.
Karl was leaning against a nearby metal fence, slightly exhausted as he crossed his arms. The mannequinn or so called 'Climber' looked around confused as he was slightly shivering, he noticed Karl on the fence, he nervously walked next to him as he attempted to sit on the fence too, failing misreably. Karl noticed Climber jumping as he tried to get ontop of the fence, Karl chuckled to himself as he picked up the helpless mannequinn. Placing him on his lap as he continued to giggle to himself, Climber became more confused, looking around despratley. Eventually, Karl let go of Climber, the mannequinn looked at him with confusion in his eyes as he tried to say something. Karl gave him a friendly smirk, playfully winking at him. This made Climber puzzled, as he sprinted away in pure panic, Karl just shrugged it off.

Climber noticed Jackie and Rellik in the distance, sitting on the fountain as they were chatting. Climber carefully walked towards them as he tried not to disturb their friendly chatter. He could clearly hear their little coverstation they had.
"And that's when i-" Jackie mumbled.
"Shut up, someone's coming" Rellik whispered as he glared at Jackie.
"I know i am." Jackie giggled to himself.
Climber stood infront of them, waving happily as they waved back.
"What's wrong Climber?" Rellik tilted his head as he crossed his arms.
"W-well i saw Karl and he grabbed me and i sat down on his leg and he blinked with one eye and-" Climber continued to rant about the statue pirate man. Little did he know, he was listening to him the whole time.
"Climber its fine, he just likes you." Rellik blurted out, he clearly had enough of the poor mannequinn.
"He likes me?!" Climber yelped out in pure shock. The two nodded in approval. Jackie stood up, as he dusted himself off.
"Me and Rellik.. are about to.. go now.. bye Climber!" Jackie began to walk away slowly, turning his head towards Rellik who started to walk next to him.
"Yeah, bye Climber!" Rellik waved as he tried to catching up to Jackie.

Climber was still slightly confused as he looked around again, until he noticed Karl behind him who was smirking.
"H-Huh?! You were listening the whole time?!" Climber screamed in pure panic.
Karl chuckled a little, putting his hand on Climber's head, trailing down to his cheek. Climber softly grabbed Karl's hand, feeling and enjoying the warmth.
"Cloth guy, its fine, im not mad or anything dont worry!" Karl chuckled, doing his friendly grin as he patted Climber's back making sure not to hurt him. Climber blushed slightly as he gave him a soft smile, only for it to turn the opposite way again. Karl noticed his face expression changing, wrapping his arms around the mannequinn. Climber froze in place in both shock and slight sadness, he barely recives hugs nowadays. Karl looked at Climber as he noticed small tears appearing in the corner of his light brown drawn on eyes. Karl turned upset, wiping away his tears which quickly started streaming down his face, Karl hugged him again but tighter, feeling the mannequinn's cold back as he started to rub it, Climber found comfort hugging and touching Karl's body in general, instantly calming down as his breathing became slower and softer.
"Sorry i did pretty bad today, i was quite tired and-" Climber broke the silence, tears still forming in his eyes.
"No no, don't say that. You did amazing my dear, i especially liked the little pickaxe trick of yours you did today!"
Karl exclaimed reassuringly, putting his hands on Climbers shoulders.
"Y-you really think so? I tried my best..!"
Climber looked away, less upset, as small sparkles faded into his eyes as he heard Karl say his favourite sentence.

"Im so proud of you, Climber!"

Climber's eyes quickly lit up with pure joy and happines, running around in circles and flapping his hands and giggling like a highschool girl. Karl just stood there, admiring him, a soft smile appeared on his face. Until he felt something his pants, he looked down to see that he just gotten a boner!
"Oh no, i can't be hard now.. What do i do..?" Karl hid his 'something' with his long orange coat as he made sure Climber didn't notice it.
"I guess i don't have a choice.." Karl sighed to himself, looking at Climber and smirking. He snapped out of his dirty thoughts, as he made his way towards Climber and grabbed his hand.
"Wanna go to the Ferris Wheel together?" Karl asked softly, gently holding Climbers hand. Climber looked at him, a small gasp escaped his mouth.
"S-sure, i don't see a problem in that!"
Climber spoke softly, his voice getting slightly better after his small crying session. Karl and Climber made their way towards the colorful Ferris Wheel, holding each other's hand like a lovely highschool couple. Once they got to the ferris wheel Climber looked up to the top of the ferris wheel, amazed.
"Hm? You wanna go to the top of the Ferris Wheel?" Karl turned his head towards Climber, his smirk still plastered to his face as he waited for the mannequinn's response.
"Oh, s-sure..!" Climber answered nervously, fidgeting with his fingers. Karl couldn't wait any longer. He snapped his fingers as Arma flew onto his wrist as she transformed into a grapple gun. His eyes gazed towards Climber as he aimed the grapple gun to the top of the ferris wheel.
"Hold my arm as we get to the top, okay?" Karl reached out his hand, Climber slowly wrapped his hands around his arm, blushing lightly. Climber closed his eyes shut as if life depended on him, holding onto his dear life as Karl shot the grapple gun as they could feel their feet flying from the ground. After like a second, Climber felt his feet touching a metalic surface.
He opened his eyes as he looked down, he was in one of the baskets, the one on the very top. Climber looked outside of the window, looking around all of the stars decorating the dark blue sky.

Karl couldn't hold it in any longer, he had to fuck him or else his boner would get worse and worse, he closed the basket door, his eyes aiming at Climber.
"Climber, can you lay down for me please?" Karl asked, Climber nodded as he sat down, resting his body on the metalic surface, Karl slowly unbuckled Climber's belt, Climber sat up confused.
"Huh? W-why did you take off my belt?"
Climber tilted his head, Karl's response was silence and a sigh, he leaned in as he softly kissed Climber on the lips. Climber covered his blushing face, his heartbeat rised every second that passed. Karl kissed Climber again, letting his tounge explore his mouth, playing around with his tounge. Climber started breathing heavily as drool ran down his mouth. Karl started taking off his clothes, letting his clothes drop on the floor. Karl looked at Climber as he put his hand on Climber's chest.
"May i take off your clothes?" Karl asked softly, his voice was strangely comforting for Climber. Climber nodded as Karl wiped the drool off the mannequinn's lips, gently kissing him once more. Karl unbuckled his belt as he slowly unzipped Climber's shirt, revealing his stitched torso, Karl was slightly suprised but he let out a playful chuckle. He ran a finger down Climber's straight-stitched torso, making him let out a small whimper, Karl smirked as he started rubbing his waist, making him let out small and quiet whines. He slowly puts his hands on Climber's pants and looked at him, Climber nodded. Karl smirked as he slowly took off his pants completley. Climber blushed slightly, covering his face.
Karl noticed Climber covering his face, he grabbed his hands, putting them on his waist. Karl kneeled down inbetween Climber's legs, slowly rubbing his thighs. Climber let out a long breathy moan, holding onto Karl's shoulders.
"Hold my hands, and when it starts hurting, ill slow down, alright?" Climber nodded, Karl sighed as he slowly took off his underwear, as his dick sprung out of his underwear. Climber noticed his dick, blush spreading across his face. Karl reached out his hand for him to hold, Climber grabbed and held his hands, slowly calming down.

Karl slowly slipped his tip inside the mannequinn's entrance, Climber let out a soft gasp, squeezing Karl's hands.
Karl stopped for a minute, letting Climber catch a breath before nodding for him to continue. Karl continued inserting his dick inside Climber untill it was in fully. Climber's legs started shaking slightly meanwhile Karl started thrusting slowly. Climber let out small and quiet whimpers as Karl continued to pick up the pace and going slightly faster, making Climber let out small moans and whines. Climber let go of Karl's hands, holding onto his shoulders. Karl was quite suprised by how fast he learnt. He smirked while the desprate mannequinn gripped onto his shoulders. Karl slowly leaned into the crook of Climbers neck.
"You're doing such a great job, darling."
Karl whispered, making Climber blush.
Climber whimpered loudly, his legs still shaking as he was still holding onto Karl's shoulders. Karl then began thrusting faster and faster, Climber noticed the quickness and slopiness of his thrusting, small tears began to form in the corner of his eyes as his overstimulation slowly started taking over him. Karl held Climber's waist as he thrusted and faster, small breathy moans and groans escaped his mouth.
Karl took out his dick from Climber's entrance, which was dripping with cum.
Both Karl and Climber were panting, their breaths in sync as Climber laid his back on the metal surface once more.
Karl giggled softly as he helped Climber put on his clothes. Once they were done being dressed, Karl picked up Climber and sat on the bench inside of the fairly small basket. Climber sat next to him, as he laid his head down on Karl's shoulder, still panting. Karl put him on his lap, hugging him tightly like a teddy bear, Climber let out a small kitten-like yawn, flopping his arms around Karl like a ragdoll.
"You were great, you know that, Climber?" Karl asked bluntly untill he realized that Climber was asleep.
Karl chuckled, placing a small kiss on Climber's cheek.
"I love you too, Climber.." Karl softly whispered, slowly drifting off into sleep.

The end (゚▽^*)☆

Just a little treat for yall!
Also sorry for slow updates umm i was really depressed and sewersidal and all but yall care ig
Bye bye!! :3

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