Chapter 2

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Next Day...

Aisha's Outfit:-

Aisha- Bhai! Let's go

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Aisha- Bhai! Let's go.

Naksh- Where?

Gayu- To the boutique.

Naksh- Why?

Aisha- To Buy your Shervani.

Naksh- But Why? Do one thing, you both go and buy something for me as I like both of your choices so it will be okay.

Aisha- No! You will also come with us. Brother and Sisters time please...

Naksh[sighs]- Okay! When have I ever said no to both of you. Let's go.

Aisha, Gayu[high five]- Yes!

In the Car...

Gayu- By the way di! When is jiju coming?

Naksh- Yes choti. When is he coming?

Aisha- He is coming today.

Gayu- What! Di you told us that he is coming tomorrow!!

Aisha- Yes, he was coming tomorrow but his work ended quickly so he is coming today and he wanted to surprise everyone.

Naksh[chuckles]- His surprise will rise the blood pressure of badi dadi, devyani dadi and dadibhua.

Gayu[giggles]- True bhai!

Aisha[giggles]- Why are you both so happy I will tell them that both of you knew about it.

Naksh- That's not fair.

Gayu- We will see when he come. Now, let's enjoy!

Naksh, Aisha- Yes!

Reached the Boutique...

They entered the Boutique and saw Naira and Kirti...

Aisha- Naira!

Naira[hugs her]-di!

Aisha- Wait! That was your and gayu's plan to let them meet, right?


Naksh[shy]- Choti! She is Kirti and Kirti ji she is my twin sister Aisha but I call her choti [rubs aisha's head].

Aisha- Radhekrishn! As my intro is given by bhai so lets meet frequently my bhabhi.


Aisha- By the way...Naira where is Kartik he didn't came?

Naira- No di, he had some work in the office that's why!

Aisha- Does he know that I am here?

Naira- No di! I didn't get the time to talk to him...

Aisha- Video call him.


Aisha- Yes! Call him.

Kartik picks up the video call..

Kartik- Naira I am in a important meeting I can't-

Aisha- Why will you not come?? I want you present here in 10 minutes!

Kartik- di! When did you come to Udaipur? 

Aisha- I came yesterday.

Kartik- what! No one told me.

Naira- Were you listening to me when I was telling you!

Kartik[guilty]- Sorry! By the way I am coming right now!!

Aisha-You better come at the boutique.

                     Call ended... 

The trio left Kirti and Naksh for alone time and went to shopping.

After some time Kartik came and was enjoying his alone time with Naira then he met the others...

Aisha[twisting Kartik's ear]- You were busy! Huh? 

Kartik[in pain]- not at all di! For you I am always free but Ouch! Ouch! It is hurting please release my ears.

Aisha[leave kartik's ear]- Good! By the way how are you [hugs him].

Kartik[hugs her back]- I am fine di and how are you and where is our jijaji.

Aisha[releases from the hug]-I am good and he is not in Udaipur he will come today.

??- My wife called me and here I am.

Aisha, Naksh- Rohan!

Kartik, Gayu, Naira- jiju!

They greeted each other...

Rohan- By the way saalesahab please introduce your to be wife to me.

Naksh[blushes]-Sure! Kirti ji he is Rohan Aisha's husband and Rohan she is Kirti. She is Kartik's sister.

Rohan- Radhekrishn! it is nice to meet you.

Kirti- Radhekrishn! It-

??- Mr. Raghuvanshi you here?? In Udaipur?

Rohan- Mr. Aditya? And yes I am here in Udaipur any problem?

Aditya- No! No! Why will I have problem with it but do you know my ex wife Kirti?

Kirti [scared]

Rohan- What! Really??[Aditya smirks] Congrats Kirti that you got out of the relation with this bastard![Aditya smirks falls off].

Aditya- Wha-What did you say?

Rohan- Why did I say something wrong? When you are eye raping my wife did you think I will just stand here and I would say nothing. But you know Aditya I thank god that Kirti got out of her relationship with a person like you.

Aisha- Let it be Rohan. guys let's ignore him we all should go home and who want to go to work they can go. Let's go.

Everyone ignored Aditya and went their way

Rohan, Aisha, Gayu and Naksh reached Singhania sadan

To be Continued...

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