Waking up

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Kylie opened her eyes, pulled back the sheets, and stepped out of bed. Without thinking about it, she walked over to the fridge, pulled out a bowl of cereal, and sat on the floor, as ever single other seat was filled in the house. Well, there was only a love-seat and a table with four chairs.

The love-seat was occupied with a woman with a pink pixie cut. She was kissing the other occupant of the love-seat, a man with spiky green hair. Kylie quickly looked away to see the other four inhabitants.

There was a normal-looking little girl with brown hair reaching down her back. As she played tag with another normal-looking little boy with blond hair, Kylie noticed something strange. Two things, actually.

One, the girl's hair never, ever changed its position. It was always perfectly straight down her back. Two, there was a floating plumbob above her head. A plumbob.

OMG, thought Kylie. I'm in a Sims game!

She knew it wasn't hers. She would never give her Sims weird hair colors like the two grownups on the love-seat, and the house was decorated differently.

So whose game was she in?

As she realized that she was in some stranger's Sim game, she stood up and walked over to the sink to wash her dish. She had never though to do that.

Oh, crap. I'm being controlled, too!

She tried to make her legs move toward the love-seat and ask for help, but found she couldn't. She began to panic. She was being controlled by someone else! She was a Sim!

Was this what all Sims felt, all day, every day? This was torture. How could anyone survive like this?

Oh. Because their creators wouldn't let them die.

They could be killed, though. Starved or drowned. They could be made to get arrested, or yelled at, or anything. All because they were considered little bits of electronics.

I can't believe this. I have to get out, Kylie thought desperately as she walked over to the boy and girl and joined in tag. As she was tagged by the little boy and started chasing the little girl, the world froze around her and her vision became a screen. It described the little girl's name, age, history, and interests. It was like a Sim profile page.

Kylie learned that the little girl's name was Angela. She was interested in causing mischief and disliked school. She had come from a foster home when she was a baby and now lived with her adoptive parents and adoptive brother, the Plumbobians. How Kylie decoded it was this: the creator of this game had enabled the aging setting. He/she had also adopted Angela into his Sim family, the Plumbobian family. All these people were a part of it. Was she now a part of it?

The thought made her blood run cold.

I can't be part of it! she screamed in her head. I have a family!

Finally, the tag game ended and Kylie was told to go write in her diary. She knew because she pulled out a book that hadn't been there a second ago from her back pocket and ran to her bedroom, only to flop on her bed and begin writing.

To Kylie's shock, she could actually write what she wanted.

I'm in a Sim's game. OMG! My PET totally backfired. Now I'm in some stranger's Sim game and I don't know how to get out. Being held here is torture. How could i have ever found the Sim game amusing? Luckily, I know how it works. As this is a Saturday, I won't have to go to middle school. Am I able to access my own profile page and action bar? I won't be able to cancel my actions, I know, but if I can expect what's coming, that would be nice. After I am told to stop writing, I'll

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