Glitches and a New Addition

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Kylie pedaled fast, feeling the burn in her muscles and the wind whip through her hair. She realized she wasn't wearing a helmet, but it didn't matter. She was going to school! Hopefully, someone would still be there.

Kylie jumped off the bike and let it clatter to the ground. Oops. She thought about Julia, and began to realize just how horrible she had been to the Sim. How could she have been so selfish?

The Creator. He's messing with my head.

Kylie grimaced and shook her head once, as if to dislodge the Creator and his evil doings from her skull.

The school seemed deserted. Kylie walked inside when she heard voices down the hall. "Hello?" she called, and the voices quieted again. Then, "Kylie?"

She recognized Judd's gravely voice. "Judd!" she called out cheerily.

He emerged from a classroom down the hall. He seemed to be crying. His left arm was slung around a woman clutching a sleeping baby.

"Who's this?" Kylie asked curiously.

"This is Patrick," explained Judd. "And this is my Choice Wife, Jenna."

"Oh! Nice to meet you," said Kylie, extending a hand. Jenna just drew Patrick closer.

Kylie bit her bottom lip. "What's wrong?"

"We're leaving," said Jenna abruptly.

"What?! But Judd, you can't!" exclaimed Kylie.

"I know!" he snapped, and she realized "we" was referring to Jenna and Patrick.

"Why?" The one simple word seemed to make Judd deflate. He slumped against a wall and ran a hand over his face.

"We' one knows we exist," said Jenna quietly. "We're not supposed to. Patrick and I are glitches. We've been hiding from the Creator for so long...everyone else in town has been affected by one of the Plumbobians. If he discovered us...well, you can imagine."

Kylie could, quite well.

"Patrick's getting older. He said 'tree' yesterday. I don't want him to grow up in a world where he's not welcome, never safe."

"Where will you go?"

"They're not the only glitches, Kylie," muttered Judd.

"So where do you guys live?"

"In the space between towns, the unprogrammed stuff," Jenna explained. "We live how we want to, free of any Creator. But programmed Sims can't come...neither can Creation Sims."

"Oh." Now Kylie fully understood why Judd looked so wretched.

"Can you leave now?" Judd asked softly. Kylie nodded and quietly slipped out the door.

As she biked home, she felt tears sting her eyes. The Plumbobians family was falling apart, and she felt like it was all her fault.

Julia was curled up on the couch when Kylie reached home. She settled down next to her Sim mom and rubbed her back. "Julia...I'm sorry."

She sniffed and her back stiffened.

"Julia, please! I was hyped up on karma power. I honestly didn't want to hurt your feelings."

Julia shrugged, but her back muscles loosened.

"I'll help take care of the baby," Kylie offered. Julia opened her mouth to speak when suddenly, they were ripped to where they had been when the Creator left. It left a nasty feeling in the pit of Kylie's stomach.

Kylie now stood in front of Julia as if she had just finished hugging the pregnant woman. She could hear snores coming from the bedrooms and assumed the two children and their father were fast asleep again. Poor Judd.

As Kylie was marched to her bedroom and told to write in her diary, she jotted down a list of the materials she would need to build the machine that has brought her here.

Wire, she jotted down. Sheets of steel. Control buttons.

She continued writing, but was stopped in the middle of an "ingredient" (bolts, screws, nuts) and told to go to sleep.

She did so quickly, and the night flew by.
When Kylie woke, she walked obediently outside and was told to get on the bike. She biked furiously to the Nelson household. She couldn't help thinking, Nice house as she knocked on the door.

A you woman opened the door. Her red hair was pulled back into a ponytail, with a bit of deliberately un-ponytailed hair framing her face. Panic filled her face and Kylie frowned. She hated everyone knowing who she was, hating and fearing her.

The Nelson woman invited her inside with a few friendly-sounding words. In reality, they were words Kylie had seldom heard before, and would never have said herself.

Kylie walked over to stand by a baby boy. She stood there for a little bit, then picked up the child and left.


She could hear the red headed Nelson going crazy behind her--and with good reason. Kylie was walking away with her baby!

The child rested his head on Kylie's shoulder and gripped her shirt tightly. The only thing Kylie's numb brain could process was the fact that he didn't smell like babies in her world. In fact, he didn't smell at all.

She hailed a cab (the bike was in her inventory) and bounced the toddler on her knee as they drove. "Mommy?" he asked, looking confused. Kylie's heart cracked.

"I'm Mommy now, sweetie," she whispered, hoping so badly that she was wrong.

The toddler continued to look confused, but fell silent.

When they reached the house, Kylie took the child inside. She saw a crib in her room, ready for the little boy.

Putting him inside, she walked out to watch TV. She could feel Angela's eyes boring into her as the little girl ate a bowl of cereal.

It isn't my fault! Kylie wanted to protest. However, she merely laughed at the television program and prayed that someday, the people of this town would find it in their hearts to forgive her.
Hey guys! I just wanted to ask sometime of you, if it's not too much trouble. I have a notoriously bad memory when it comes to...well, most things in life, and I need your guys' help. If something doesn't make sense or line up with previous chapters, please, please, please PM me or leave a comment! Thanks and have an awesome week!

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