"Won't you join us?"

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"The mysterious boy from afar heroically rescues the weak and defenseless detective from the ruthless Nobushi! Dear boy you are so dreamy" The red haired boy smiled down at the short man who stood there before him.

"Ahem." Kazuha fake cleared his throat to tell Heizou that he was forgetting something.

"Oh! And the weak and defenseless samurai!" he laughed then bent over, putting his hand onto his knees so he was now at the height of the boy.

"Uh huh..Uhm. Ok?" The purple haired boy just stood there, looking at the 2 boys surrounding him giving praise at every single moment, not a second was wasted. He'd seen them around a few times when he was in Inazuma but always tried his best to stay far away, he couldn't even bear to look at them. The white haired samurai looked too much like Niwa, mostly because of his hair and the red streak in his hair. Heizou reminded him of the kid he knew from his past, the one before Niwa. He didn't exactly look like the kid but Heizou sure acted like it. Heizou and Kazuha started to get really close with Scaramouche, which he did not like at all. Normally it would be them doing stupid stuff to gain his attention. This time they got into a fight with the Nobushi and dragged me into it to help only so they could say Scaramouche saved them, which is exactly what they were doing.

"Your bravery is truly admirable!" Kazuha put his hands together then tilted his head with a smile. "You're so strong," Heizou added as he took Scaramouche's arm and started to rub it.

...What the hell are they doing-

Kazuha and Heizou both looked at each other at the same time with the same look on their faces then looked at Scaramouche ''Allow us to treat you for saving us!" They said at the same time, they also didn't seem to be taking no as an answer...

Scaramouche just stared at them with a dead look and stood there unmovingly without a word then finally spoke. "No."

Heizou and Kazuha both looked shocked and hurt, they dropped to their knees at the same time and begged "Pleaseee! We're in debt to you! Please let us treat you! Or take you somewhere! Just an hour please!" They begged, saying the exact same words in unison as each of them were holding onto one of Scaramouche's arms.

"HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT-" Scaramouche got a bit weirded out by them and tried to pull his arms back but had little to no success. He looked back and forth at the 2 boys on their knees before him with their non-stop begging he eventually gave in "Ok! Ok! Fine! Shut up!"

Immediately both Heizou and Kazuha shut up and looked at eachother excitedly then jumped up and spun around Scaramouche "Thank you thank you thank you!" they both said then set him down "Oh- sorry about that!" Kazuha said nervously,

Heizou laughed then reached forward and brushed Scaramouche's hair with his hands to fix it then fixed his outfit a bit "There you are!" he smiled then turned his body "Come now!" he let out a small laugh then started walking.

Scaramouche just stood there annoyed and waited till they finished "I'll kill you." he mumbled, at one point Heizou turned around and took Scaramouche's sleeve to drag him along.

Kazuha walked right beside Heizou then turned around to Scaramouche who was being dragged behind them "I heard that" he saw that Scaramouche looked surprised and decided to explain "The wind tells me everything, you can't hide anything from me" he smiled.

Heizou nodded his head "It's true.."

Kazuha looked at Heizou and crossed his arms "Mhm."

Scaramouche noticed the tension and sighed "He found out the hard way?" he asked, Kazuha turned around and nodded his head "Ah. Where are we going anyway?" he looked to the distance, seeing the water that surrounded all of Inazuma. "Aren't you both enemies."

Heizou stopped and looked back to face Scaramouche although he wasn't looking back at them. "What do you mean?" he didn't understand where such a thought came from, it was out of nowhere.

"I mean. You're a detective for the Tenryou Commision. And he is a part of the resistance." Scaramouche directed towards Kazuha then gave Heizou a cold stare. "Therefore you're my enemy too."

Kazuha looked a bit nervous then turned to look at Heizou who seemed to be freaking out a little. He looked back at Scaramouche and knelt down "No no it's not like that! He's not like that! It's just for his job! And he gets good benefits out of it that ensure his safety. He's nothing like them, I swear! If he was then I would have been turned in a long time ago. He is strict on the rules but when it comes to someone he cares about he'll do anything to protect them"

Scaramouche hadn't changed his mind a bit "Because he likes you. I barely know you both and it's obvious. What if he didnt like you? Hm? What then? Without hesitation you would have been brought right to Raiden and killed. I don't care if he's different. If he's working for someone I consider as my enemy.. I want no part of being near them." Heizou was completely silent, he looked at Kazuha in hope for help since he was useless in this situation. But Heizou being Heizou he stuck up for himself "I'll prove it to you! I don't agree with or like the Shogun or Ei.. I'd never bring somebody to her unless I see them as an enemy to Inazuma or to somebody I care about. Iv tried many times to leave my business with her behind and just be a detective but, working with her i get to keep my vision and I get special rights. She sees me as somebody she can't lose so I can stay alive no matter what wrongs I do, as long as I have an excuse.. You have no idea how many things I've done that could get me killed by her. I'm trusting you with this information so in case I do something to get you hurt or in trouble with Raiden..You could tell her all of this and I'll be killed in an instant. Inazuma is inescapable, so you might as well do whatever it takes for you to survive. Raiden may be using me..but hey, i'm using her right back"

Scaramouche looked at Heizou so see such determination in him. He sighed then put his hand behind his head "..I suppose that's fair. I can understand what you're doing." he was hesitant to admit it but the only way to live is to do anything to ensure your survival, that fact was irrefutable. As long as Heizou didn't like Raiden then he was ok. But still not somebody he would trust or care that much for. "At Least you're not like Kujou," he mumbled.

"Oh god no." Kazuha said in response to Scara's mumbling, "You must really hate Raiden hm?" he tilted his head then looked at Heizou, both were relieved that Scaramouche wasn't mad at them, at least they weren't disliked and that was all that mattered to them.

"Very much." he crossed his arms not even seeming to stand the thought of Raiden, he even hated Inazuma since it was her land.

"Dear boy, why is that?" Heizou asked sincerely "you don't have to answer if you don't want to. But if you need to talk, we're always here." Kazuha nodded his head and Heizou reached forward and rubbed Scara's arm.

Scara looked down and watched as Heizou rubbed his arm "ick.." he mumbled under a sigh. "Raiden was mental and abusive. She's a monster made from hell! She's disgusting! God she sickens me! She's selfish, careless of others, and once she's bored of something she throws it away!!!" he yelled, he always got mad or sensitive at this subject, Heizou immediately noticed it and so did Kazuha.

"Oh sweet boy... Did she hurt you?..My..Im so sorry" he reached forward to try and comfort him but Scaramouche jumped back and held onto himself tightly. " . . . " Kazuha looked at Heizou with an upset expression, he truly felt bad and didn't want Scaramouche to feel such a way. But he still didn't understand what their connection was to each other

He's Mine! || Kazuha x Heizou x Scaramouche || || Chiscara ||Where stories live. Discover now