1.1 - The outside world

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Outside of our town, the world was divided and involved in wars and territorial disputes. We were all humans, but there were two kinds of us, being the archers and the varied. The archers made up more than half the population, from what people estimated, their abilities and mechanics functioning very differently to ours. They're not quite as diverse as us, as we have more classes and variations, but they were definitely not to be underestimated, from what I had heard, at least.

Our town was asked for support for an expedition on an island off-continent. It seemed to be very important and they had a lot of people with them, but seemed to be lacking in curse users. Those in our town didn't care and tried to brush them off, but they kept insisting. Eventually, the curse users told me to go, saying that I was all that they would get. They pretty much forced me to go, as I was the least involved in their wars. I somehow managed to send one last message to CC1 before I left, but ended up leaving very quickly with the group of strangers, to a random island that I'd never even heard of.

The leaders of the group discussed strategy, formations and other plans, but I wasn't important enough to be included. I would just sit their quietly, as my only job was to look out for curses and dispel any. They clearly didn't want me there, but because it was important, they decided to bring me just as a precaution. I was a curse user, after all. They all avoided me and hated me, for the class I chose when I first entered the skill tree. I was used to it, at least, and it wasn't that surprising really. I just wished I could contact CC1.

We travelled together to the edge of the Northern coastline where some ships were waiting for us. From what I could tell, the island was surprisingly far towards the West, which was curious because it made me wonder if those from the Western side of the wall could reach it.

But before we made it, our ships were attacked. I was below deck at the time, but could hear the sounds above as different spells and magic were being used, and as projectiles were shot between our ships and theirs. I didn't get to find out who it was, as I was told to stay below deck and help block any leaks from enemy fire. One of their shots got us good, and I ended up having to use my whole body to block a decently large hole from leaking too much and flooding the ship. Everyone else went up to fight so I was stuck there until the battle was over and someone came down to help repair the damage.

As I waited it only got quieter above me. I still heard firing and the occasional yelling, but any voice or action I heard sounded too distant to be from on my ship. The ship I was on kept taking hits and was flooding too much for me to stay below. When I reached the main deck, I found it deserted, everyone fleeing to the other ships we had, leaving me behind, as the enemy ship continued to fire at it, ripping my ship to shreds.

I ended up alone in the ocean, the other ships floating off to fight their battle somewhere else as I lay there in the wreckage. I didn't know how to swim, so I just held on to the driftwood as the current pulled me along.

I found myself on an island, alone. I walked around the entire circumference to discover its small size and lack of population. I went through the forests and looked everywhere I could but there was just nothing there. The island was a little larger than my hometown. I was stranded there for days, surviving off of the fruit in the forest, but having no skills or knowledge that could help me get back to the main continent. Instead of sitting around doing nothing I decided to go back to what I usually would do and spend my time practicing curses and creating spells. I placed many curses around the island, curses anyone could trigger, just to show that there was other life here, in case anyone else ended up here.

There was a large cliff at the Northern most coast of the island, so having nothing else to do I decided to scale it, to see if anything was up there. I couldn't think of any reason why something would be there, but figured it was a good place to hide treasure or something of value. There were many rumours and stories of rare items being hidden in very special locations, designed to be near impossible to reach. This cliff wasn't one of them.

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