1.4 - Joining a party

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I found myself alone in a bedroom. There was water and bread on the table, and my injuries had bandages on them. Someone seemed to have found me. This town knew nothing of me, so I couldn't think of what kind of agender someone would have for helping me.

A taller woman opened the door and walked in. She was slow and careful to open the door, peaking in first as if to check in on me, and trying to avoid making a sound as if to not wake me. Something about her felt so caring in nature, a waft of positive energy flowing through the room with her.

"You're finally awake! How are you feeling?" she asked, greeting me with a warm smile.

No way this could be an act, right?

"My body still feels very weak..." I said slowly. "I'm sorry for troubling you."

"No, no, no, it's okay. You must have gone through so much. I'm just glad I found you in time. You must be such a strong and persistent person to survive whatever ordeal you just went through."

Me? Strong?

"I'm not strong..." I replied, looking down in shame. Even though I couldn't see myself as anything but useless, it made me feel a strange kind of happiness when she said it.

"Don't say that. But you're right, you should rest more. I have some bread and water, too, so make sure to eat and drink. You've been unconscious for quite a while."

I didn't realise until she said it, but I was very hungry and thirsty. I accepted her food and she just smiled at me as I greedily ate it. I stopped mid-way, though. "Oh, uh, I don't have much money. I'm sorry. I don't know if I can repay you for the food and room..."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'm just happy that you're okay. That's repayment enough for me."

She was different, living proof that a certain kind of person exists. The question was whether it was someone highly skilled at acting, or of pure and real kindness.

I stayed at her room in the inn for a few more days, my body and mind slowly recovering. While a body needs rest and energy to return to normal, the mind was a different matter. It was as if the presence of this lady was replenishing my spirit and mind, my dreary and hopeless mindset disappearing from her company alone.

She told me that she fulfilled the tank-role in her party, focusing on armour and drawing attention of attackers. Her weapon of choice was a spear, though she said that she wasn't the most useful at attacking with it. Despite how caring she came across, she looked so strong and confident. A tank must be the scariest role to take, one I imagined to be filled with large men that thirsted for battle or were fearless enough to blindly charge towards death. It made me realise how team-oriented things were in the outside world, where this lady seemed to desire the tank-role in order to protect those closest to her.

I didn't know much about other classes or group combat, so she told me what separated a tank from other classes. There's a specific ability they have, that only they can learn, which is the ability to pull others towards them. She compared it to a kind of horizontal gravity, like enemies would be naturally forced closer to her, and it being really difficult to break free of her pull to escape. While it's true that they don't necessarily have to attack the tank first, it would often be the case as the tank would stand alone at the front, where often enemies wouldn't even be able to reach the rest of their party without going through them first.

"Everyone wants to survive, remember that" she said. "This isn't a world of swords and axes. People usually try to attack at a range where they can be safe from harm. After all, if one dies, that usually means the end for them."

She seemed to have a wealth of knowledge and experience. I couldn't help but look up to her.

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask you something..." she said to me. "This charm you have, did you happen to get it from a field user?"

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