New Form?

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"It's so sad to see this is what it comes to, to be left alone isn't it" Ace says in a low voice. His body contorts and forms him into a more powerful version of himself.

"You bloody wanking cunt! Of course you'd pop your savage form for our fight, cheater." Ivy snarls out. Ace does not respond, his sudden silence and lack of emotion is deafening. The other Wragler are taken back by this.

"Hey! What's with the stoic behavior all of a sudden?" Echo says examining Ace's movements more closely. Ace stares at Echo. Echo knows this stare but before anyone could tell him otherwise Ace locks him into a psychic battle.

"Fuck sake." Ivy goes to attack Ace but is then electrocuted upon touching his body.

"The hell was that?!" Ivy screeches getting up.

"Ah, so he went into his savage form has he? You ain't touchin' him once he goes in a psychic battle it renders his entire body with eletricity so if anything attacks him outside of psychic plain, he wont feel it" Smoke says with an almost unconscious Martrez in his arm.

"And you knew that and said completely nothing about me pouncing on him?" Ivy says in a low growl.

"I can sense things moving around me, not how or where all the time." Smokes says staring in his direction.

"Whatever cunt. How are we suppose to damage him them." Ivy asks waving his paw over Ace's face seeing if he can still react.

"You can either go into those planes with him, or sit and wait until he snaps out of it." Smoke explains. Meanwhile while Smoke and Ivy try to figure out what to do, Echo locked in Ace's psychic plain, and is running through a very dense forest trying to dodge through them so Ace can't catch up to him. Echo is quickly taken out of this thought when the trees behind him are being knocked over as something is running after him. Echo begins to run and full speed again thinking that maybe challeging Ace was a bad idea. Echo finds a small clearing in the forest, he then quickly burrows underground hoping that Ace will run pass the clearing. He hears heavy footsteps getting closer and closer. They stop, Ace is right above the tunnel out. Ace sniffs around, he smiles having caught the scent, runs off. Echo crawls from out the hiding spot, happy to know Ace's sense of smell is still as horrible as it as was when they were in a pack together. Echo goes the opposite direction trying to see if he can find a way out without having to confront Ace in a fight. at least while he's like this. Echo walks through the forest alert of any noises or movement. A strong sense of Deja Vu washes over Echo but can't place why, he's never fought Ace in a psychic battle before. Not paying attention Echo sees a figure with a bushy white tail passby while laughing. He knows that annoying laugh.

"Bruv, Ivy this isn't funny! How'd you get in here, and more importantly how do we get out?" Echo shouts after him. He decides to follow but not too closely knowing this could be Ace shifting as Ivy to ambush him. Trying to keep up loses him in the density of the forest. He stops for a second only for the laughter to be heard behind him. He knew for sure this wasn't Ivy. He immediately chases after him, only for him to turn a corner and disappear again. This time Echo hears the flap of wings from behind him, he takes aim and fires. He hits the target bringing it to the ground. Echo pins it down for him to see Ivy teary eyed and shaking.

"Nice try Ace. You're gonna have to try a lil harder than that mate!" Echo shouts.

"Hey, wait I'm not Ace. It's me Ivy." Ivy quickly spats out.

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