45. Magic bathrobe

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Quick little recap as to why we were basically breaking into Maddy's house at the moment. Sarah showed up to John B's house, making it all awkward but then she told us that she's found the island room. 

And after we all got into the Twinkie I noticed the house we stopped at. 

"This place still freaks me out", John B mumbled while we walked through the Kook house. It felt weird being here, without Maddy or even without any of her family around. 

"Yeah same", I replied. 

"Pope look", Sarah said as we all entered a big room. There was wallpaper ripped from all of the walls revealing a huge Map that had drawings all over them. 

"Whoah. You've got to be kidding me", Pope said stunned and I had to admit I was impressed myself. 

"Yeah. I know right? It's the island room. It's been here this whole time", Sarah smiled while we all started looking at the walls. 

"No freaking way", John B said stunned. 

"This definitely means something", I explained. 

"Wow", Kie smiled.

"This is a map of the whole island", John B explained walking a whole round. 

"Yeah, John B. I think you're right because this is Rixon's right here. And then, there's the lighthouse", I smiled. 

"Guys, look. Parcel 9 and the well", Kie smiled. 

"So if that's Parcel 9 and then if that's Rixon's, then that's gotta be the surf break at Mase", John B figured while his hands touched the wall. 

"Pope, come here. This is Denmark's handwriting for sure", I smiled comparing the photo I had of Denmark's writing to the written part on the wall. 

"Those drawings, they match up", Pope smiled excitedly pointing at the drawing on my phone," Denmark, you genius! These are all his drawings. He-he painted this entire room".

"Yeah, question is why. What's he trying to tell us?", Kie asked.

"It's gotta have something to do with the key, right?", I asked remembering the key Limbrey needed from Pope. 

"Yeah, but what?"

"How did you know to uncover this? This isn't even your house", John B asked the blonde girl. 

"I didn't. I wanted to visit Maddy and when I got here I noticed the door was open", Sarah explained letting chills erupt on my skin. 

"What?", I asked my head immediately going through the worst scenarios. For some reason, I still felt protective over Maddy. 

"Okay, then who did it?", Kie asked. 

"I don't know", Sarah shrugged. 

"The freaks", a small voice answered making me jump in fear. 

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