my thoughts are with you

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"Do you know what we did today?" Reid asked, Aaron stopped sucking kisses into the tender part of Reid's neck.

"If you're gonna tell me about an Unsub, I don't"

"We ranked the hottest guys in the office..."


...Aaron has been sick for almost a week and Spencer misses him, carnally...

So he goes to see him.

Hope you enjoy, please excuse any mistakes this thing is definitely not beta read😘


Once in a blue moon, Aaron Hotchner would get too sick to go to work. He had stayed home for the past three days, and Spencer missed him. A lot, maybe too much. Emily had given him a knowing glance when Rossi had declared that morning that Hotch was still sick and would probably only be coming in on Monday again. Spencer had choked on the coffee he had just been sipping and had promptly spat it all over his desk. It was Friday, which meant that Reid wouldn't see his boyfriend for another three days!!!

Spencer needed Hotch, he needed to be able to look at him when things got too overwhelming like sounds or the lights, he needed to be able to touch him when he felt alone and sad or he was missing
his mother, which was weird, yes but don't read into it too deeply.

Spencer missed Hotch for the same reasons one would miss a friend, but god there was something Spencer was missing that only a few select people had ever had access too...

And Spencer needed it, so badly because his hand simply wasn't cutting it anymore, and neither where his dildos. A fact he had remarked after riding one to completion twice (!) and still feeling deeply disatisfied. He huffed out his frustration and carefully lifted himself off the silicone cock.

He needed to see Hotch, that much was clear. God be damned if he was about to get sick aswell. Impulsively he decided to take a photo (with the phone he only had for writing to Hotch, Emily or his mother) of the lubed up plastic and cum-stained coffee table (he never had guests over anyway). He quickly sent it to Hotch adding the words "thinking of you" underneath and setting his phone aside to clean up the mess he'd made.

It was only when he was in the cab that he checked his phone too see if Hotch had read and/or replied to the photo. Spencer's heart stuttered in his chest when he saw the little notification signaling an unread message next to Hotch's name.

It was a short text, only three words with a few mistakes written into it as if Hotchner had used only a single hand to type and Reid was biting back a grin and trying not to blush at the many ideas his brain had come up with for what Aaron had been doing with said other hand whilst typing "I mids yoy".

He shifted in his seat and stuck his phone back in his pocket, staring out the window and watching the lights fly past in flurries of color. Until the cab stopped about 10 minutes away from his destination.
He peered out of the windscreen to see traffic piling up infront of him. He breathed in deeply reaching into his pocket to pull out his wallet, paying the driver and telling him he was gonna walk the rest of the way.

The cold Febuary wind instantly turned his cheeks and the tip of his nose a painful and burning red and Spencer hurried down the street as quickly as possible.
He passed by a small store and decided to duck in and get Hotch some 'get well soon' presents.
Spencer paid for the chocolates (Pistachio was Aaron's favorite), Marigolds (Spencer believed they livened up any room they were put in) and lube (they were running dangerously low) and made his way back out into the cold.

Aaron's building was pretty unremarkable and when Spencer climbed up the few stone steps he decided to forgo ringing the bell, he had a key and he was doing this to surprise Hotch anyway.

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