Volume 1: Awakening C3

116 3 0

Year X376, Late into the First Month of Spring.

13 months after Natsu's revival.


"Is there any space on this cart?"

The trader answered by shaking his head.

"Mine's packed full once the rest of my wares arrive."

Natsu listened on while Zeref negotiated a deal with another trader. They were in the fields outside Vedeirvilla where a trading caravan was forming. Zeref woke him up early so they could catch a ride with one of the traders heading towards the next town. They weren't the only ones, many other travellers were also hitching rides with whoever they could.

Travelling was primarily done on foot or on horseback since the old days. The concept of public transportation didn't exist yet and everyone had to reach their destinations in different ways. Hitching a ride with a trading caravan was one of the faster options in those times. It was common for traders to fill their empty storage space with people as long as they paid.

After all, people were also cargo- and cargo meant money.

Natsu followed along as Zeref made his way through a few more merchants before finding one who took them onboard.

"How much would it cost to ride in your wagon?" Zeref asked while inspecting the man's carriage. It was a bit smaller than some of the others he saw, but it looked sturdy- which looked more important to him.

"Wher ya dropping oof firsth? The farther the higherr." The man stumbled on his words.

Natsu blinked while listening to the man's unusual accent. He could understand the message, it was just that the man skewed some of his words.

"We're aiming for the port city of Apallon." Zeref answered.

The Port of Apallon was the closest harbor Zeref knew about. His goal was to board a ship heading for the Royal Port of Dragnof, another city located near the capital of the Dragnof Kingdom. The port was a standalone project made a long time ago, but people who couldn't settle around Dragnof migrated there for its close proximity to the capital. The Royal Port was now one of the largest cities in the country.

"Ayye, that's 2 stops. Would cost you 2 silvers." The merchant grunted.

"Isn't that too expensive? That's more than a month at a tavern. Port Apallon is just two weeks away." Zeref questioned.

"Am basing it off myy wares' cost. Space foor you 2 means that I can't pick up more goods at the next town."

Zeref continued to barter with the trader until they settled on an agreement.

"The next town is one week of travel by cart. How about 30 bronze for the ride? That costs about as much to stay in a tavern for that long. If there is still space after your next stop, we will pay another 30 to ride again." Zeref haggled.

"Make it 40 bronze for each stop and it's a deal."

Zeref forked over the money and the merchant nodded at them.

"Caravan leaves mid mornin. If your not here a' won't be waiting foor you." Finished with making the deal, the gruff trader returned to checking the rest of his goods.

"We won't be going anywhere. We've already brought all we need." Zeref gestured to the bags he and Natsu carried. Sure, he had a magical storage containing his research and other tidbits, but using that would gather unwanted attention. To avoid that, the siblings were travelling like normal people.

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