I know.

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Three months later they were still seeing each other.


Both agreed on having a 'test run' before coming out to the public, just to make sure not to dive into something head first only to regret it later. But, well... Yoongi was sure of himself and his feelings for the younger. He just... knew

Jimin was pretty much the only person Yoongi was sexually attracted to and able to trust without a second thought - and that'd never happened before.  

He never really thought about why or how, he was content with just knowing that Jimin liked him as well and that things turned out great between them. 

Alright, more than great. 

Yoongi felt... loved. 
Yeah, loved would be the word the rapper would use for everything Jimin made him experience. 

Jimin treated him with so much care and patience and gentleness but also goofiness and sarcasm, Yoongi just felt at home when he was with the beautiful dancer. Yes, sure, they were bickering most of the time, but that was only because... because Jimin understood who Yoongi really was. Sarcasm was kind of the older's love language if you read between the lines.

Yoongi smiled at the thought, and wound his arm tighter around the younger's stomach. 

Both of them were sprawled out on the couch that evening, cuddling each other while watching the news. 

This had been their kind of routine for the past couple of weeks:

Yoongi and Jimin went to work seperately, but not because they were trying to be discreet, but because Yoongi liked to sleep in and Jimin had to be at dance practice at 9 am every morning. They'd get their work done, go home and Jimin would come by Yoongi's place at around 10-ish pm whenever the older send him a text that he was done with whatever he had been working on. They'd cook and eat together, then watch the news and maybe a movie or they'd just listen to music or play board games until they were finally tired enough to fall asleep... ooor something like that.  

So, yeah. 

It was perfect.


Jimin only hummed, showing him that he'd heard him, but eyes still focussed on the news.

"Do you... know?... yet?"

Yoongi felt Jimin tense up underneath his fingertips. But as soon as Yoongi thought he'd popped the question too soon, Jimin turned around to face him properly.

"Do you know?"

His beautiful hazel-brown eyes watched Yoongi carefully, and Yoongi figured that he was trying to decipher his emotions. So the older took a deep breath, cupping Jimin's chin between his index finger and thumb---

"I do. I know."

---to dive right in and place a gentle, loving kiss on the younger's lips.

Yoongi could feel Jimin smile through the kiss, so he placed one last tender smooch onto his boyfriend's mouth before pulling back again. 

Jimin looked happy. 
Damn, those eyes...


The younger told him in just a quiet whisper, but Yoongi heard it. He understood.

And that's when the brightest gummy smile covered his facial features.


Jimin's eyes disappeared.

"I know."

And they went back to kissing... and maybe even a little more than that.

Getting to know Min Yoongi - a yoonmin ffWhere stories live. Discover now