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"No, absolutely not." Venice exclaimed as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Come on, Ven, it would be fun!" his cousin Pai argued, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"And as if your definition of fun is not getting us in trouble. No, I am not going," Venice replied firmly, shaking his head.

"Pleeeeease, Venice!" Pai pleaded, pouting his lower lip in a pitiful attempt to sway him. And damn, no wonder those fools fall for it.

"No matter how much you beg, I am not fucking going to that race, Pai," Venice said, his voice laced with irritation.

Pai or Papai, his cousin who was currently hell-bent on trying to drag him to a street race, was determined to convince him otherwise. The race was also illegal, which made Venice even more certain that they would get into big trouble if their parents found out.

Honestly, Venice thought it would be a good day since he woke up that morning with a particular good feeling. He woke up with a smile, did his morning routine. And then made his way to the kitchen for breakfast, found his dad and Pa making out in kitchen. Nothing new in there. Same with them , his dad Vegas didn’t even bat an eye and didn’t seem like he cares that his Son just caught them making out. Only his poor pa just let out an adorable squeak noticing him.

His dad is shameless alright. His pa then greeted him with a smile and kiss on his head. It felt good. It doesn’t matter if he is 18, his pa can do whatever he wants , he wont mind. It was going well. Too well that he should have known it was a message for an upcoming trouble.

So when his disaster of a cousin arrived, he wasn’t surprised. Venice liked Pai. Well, its not that hard to not like someone who is just like a leach, wouldn’t let go until you talk to them. And their common interest on motorcycle made them inseparable from childhood.

Although Venice is 3 years older than Pai and that little shit should call him Phi, he doesn’t really mind. Pai was born by surrogacy. His uncles actually had a huge debate about it. He doesn’t really remember anything from that time. The only thing he recalls that Uncle Porsche was really mad about with Uncle Kinn and came to live with them for a month. That’s a long time he had spend with his Uncle.

He actually liked his Uncle Porsche, even if his brother, Uncle Chay was still their favorite. Thus, when they told him that he would actually get a play buddy he was so happy. Venice enjoyed playing with Uncle Macau but he was not always home. Same with his pa and his dad Vegas. Even if its his brother. He was contented to call them his parents.

As per they continued to argue, Venice's curiosity got the better of him. He wondered what it would be like to attend an illegal street race. Would it be as thrilling as people made it out to be? Would it be worth the risk?

“Ven, please. Just one race. I won’t force you again, I Promise”, Pai’s begging snapped him from his thought. Seriously does this boy ever take no as an answer? God knows which unfortunate soul will get roped up with him. 

This boy doesn’t stop does he? Ok last one. He is fucking sure he would say no.

“Pai, if uncle Porsche finds out we will be dead”, staring at pai with dead eye, Venice turned to him, a look of concern stamped on his face.

Pai nodded, understanding exactly what Venice meant. His dad Porsche, the family's head of security, had explicitly warned them against attending such events without proper protection. And yet, here his was planning to go on a illegal racing without protection were, alone and vulnerable.

Well Venice fucking hoped that Pai knew that his dad would gut them alive if he knew that they went to without taking bodyguards. Yes, that’s what uncle Porsche would be mad about. He is not delusional enough to think that his uncle would be mad if they went so some fucked up race. The thing he would be mad about is they went there without their bodyguards, without any protection.