The exam.

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Real quick, we're skipping the whole exam besides the like combat part since it's boring af(And I don't remember much of it), soooo- ye, but Quackity did pretty good for the parts we have skipped so ye-


Quackity was sitting, people all around him, to many people. This loud ass person with weird, long hair was telling us how the next and last part of the exam will go.
You have to defeat these robot things, each one carrying a different amount of points.

With this being a Heros exam, there will probably be a secret of earning points, though.. Quackity just had to figure out what it was.

Quackity stopped paying much attention. He had figured out that you can still put enchantments on stuff here. I just need lapus and remember all those XD saking symbols.

Quackity put Fire aspects VI on his beanies, with some just having knock back. Lapis was a pain in the ass to get, though, so expensive and rare here.
Thank XD that his father was rich.

In order to fight with his weapons, he somehow got for his birthday and other holidays, was also a pain in the ass, he had to sign so much shit and proven he knew how to properly handle the weapons to be able to use them.

Quackity kept thinking of a secret point system when it hit him. Being a Heros was about rescuing people, Rescue points! Quackity almost jumped to celebrate when he realized now wasn't the best time.

Once it finally came for the combat part of the exam came, he quickly grabbed his weapons. It was a simple iron sword with a sharpness II enchantment and unbreaking II. He had a diamond axe that he made himself with Cards creating half of it, the enchantments of it were Sharpness VI,Fire aspect II Mending, and a few more.

(I had a photo of the axe somewhere, but I can't find it. It's a normal battle axe, really, with one side of the axe being Cards. If i find the photo, I will show yall)

"Why does he get weapons?" Someone asked, " The rest of us don't? Is that another thing I missed! Oh, great!" Quackity turned to see a girl with brown hair. Her face was weirdly round, too.
"Gotta sign so much shit, then prove you can use the weapons, annoying as fuck, really only quirkless people or people with quirks that aren't exactly ment for fighting try to get weapons to use" Quackity said quickly. "Woah, that axe is cool! Where did you buy it!" She asked.
She was already somewhat annoying, but it wouldn't hurt to make a friend, Quackity only had Bakugo, if you could continue him as a friend.
"Made it myself." Quackity replied, sounding emotionless.

"That amazing! Are you really good at making stuff like that then huh? I'm Ochaco Uraraka!" The girl smiled at Quackity.
"Izuku Midoriya, but please, call me Quackity." Quackity tried to smile back but failed. He never really smiled, even back in the SMP. Only smiled sometimes. He must have forgotten.
"Gotta work on your smiled but otherwise, you seem amazing, Quackity!" Uraraka smiled. She seemed nice but was too nice to, truthful.

"Haven't really smiled much, so it makes sense, only smiled after Las Nevadas," Quackity mumbled. "Las Nevadas? Doesn't sound Japanese??? Is it English? I heard it's a common language!" Urarka smiled again. She smiles so much. "It's Spanish, and it's a country for entertainment," Quackity corrected his new friend. "Ohhhhh! Sounds kinda English though heh,"

"Yea, I guess it kinda does.." Quackity mumbled. Soon, the countdown started. "See you in class. You seem like a strong person!" Uraraka said confidently, like she knew she would get in.

"3..2..1.. GO!!!!"

The exam started, and everyone started running. Quackity drank a speed and strangth potion he had figured out how to make, days before the exam.

He started detorying the robots he would come by. Soon, he heard large footsteps. He turned to see a large zero pointer. He knew he shouldn't mess with it, including since it would give him any sorta of points, really. He soon heard screaming as he went to go somewhere. Well, everyone was screaming, but he recognized the voice. It was Urarakas. Quackuty quickly ran towards the scream and past people shouting and running.

He soon found Uraraka under a pile of rubble. "Quackity?! What are you doing?" She asked as Quackity quickly pulled her out. "Saving your sorry ass." He said quickly. The robot was very, very close. "Quackity run! You'll get hurt!" She whispered slightly. She was a true hero.

"Nah." Quckity turned to face the robot again. He set Uraraka down, propped against a nearby building. He drank a quick potion of jumpbost. He set his sword down so it wouldn't fall and hurt someone or break.

He jumped, axe in hand, ready to swing.

Quickly, quickly swung. Hitting the robots (what Quackity assumed to be) face. It sent the robot ablaze and sent it back. Then, a buzzer rang to show that the exam was now over, and people soon came in to help any hurt people.

Quackity ran down to where Uraraka was only to find an old looking lady helping her already. Quackity let out a sigh of relief and went to grab his sword. "Is that your sword?" The old lady asked. "Yes, why?" Quackity glared at the woman. "Just wanted to make sure your not stealing, any proof it's yours?" She asked again. Quackity fully turned to her. "Not really, I can prove that I was the one who brought it into the exam." He quickly pulled out some paper he had in his pocket. It was all folded up to fit.

The lady took a quick look. " Alright, once im done with her, I can help heal you." The lady said but was cut off by Quackity."I'm fine. Work on people who need help." And with that, Quackity left, waving bye at Uraraka before he started running at a fast pace.

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