Chapter 11

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 I should have never let Wilder into my apartment. It was too late for me to kick him out, so I had to stick with my decision. He held my hand tight as we went up to my unit, not letting go until I had to unlock the door.

"You should put those with the others," Wilder said, motioning to the vase of roses.

"Do you think they will all fit?" I asked.

Wilder chuckled. He pulled his backward cap off his head before he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I really got to stop fucking up," he said. "Or this place will be a greenhouse soon."

That statement should have told me that Wilder knew exactly what he was doing. He was buying me flowers so that I would forget his toxicity. I hated myself because it actually worked. My judgment was cloudy, and he stood in my apartment after midnight.

I unwrapped the bouquet and set the flowers in the vase. Wilder stood behind me with his hands on my hips as I arranged the roses. I giggled when he trailed kisses up my neck to behind my ear. Tingles spread across my body. How did he have such an effect on me?

"I can't wait to have you in my arms all night," he whispered into my ear.


I was being so manipulated, but I could not help it. Every girl wants to hear words like that, especially when coming from someone as gorgeous as Wilder. The stupid grin would not leave my face.

"Where's your bedroom?" Wilder asked.

"Down the hall," I said.

"Show me."

He pulled me away from the counter. I went down the hall, and Wilder stayed close behind me. His hand on my lower back did not go unnoticed.

Flicking on the lights, I stepped into my bedroom. The sheets were a tangled mess, and my pajamas laid crumpled on the floor. My eyes darted around the room to ensure nothing embarrassing, like my vibrator, had been left out.

Wilder's hands left my body as he sat on the edge of the bed. Pulling his shirt over his head, I could not help but stare at his hard-inked chest. He winked as he ran his hands along his muscles. Was I drooling?

"We are not having sex," I said.

Wilder shrugged. "I came here to hold you, not to fuck you."

I raised a brow. This man was so different from the man pinning me on the couch. Were there two sides to Wilder Sharp? If there was, this side was one hundred percent fake. Every fiber of my being was screaming at me to kick this man out of my apartment; however, I could not convince myself to make him leave every time I looked at his body.

"Let's get to sleep then," I said.

"Say no more," he said.

Wilder stood and reached for his belt. My jaw dropped. Why was he taking his clothes off? Was red flag seventeen going to be a problem for the second time tonight?

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You expect me to sleep in jeans?" he asked.

I bit down on my lip to try and fight the blush.

"Sorry," I said.

Looking down at my crumpled pajamas, I wondered what I should wear. The unicorn pajamas did not seem like a good idea. It would be a good way to embarrass myself in front of Wilder further. I searched through my closet until I found a pair of black shorts. Luckily, my shirt was long enough to hide most of my body as I switched out of the jeans and into the shorts. Why was I so nervous about being around Wilder?

I turned around to see Wilder lying in my bed. He was under the blankets, but his chest was still exposed. His arm was under his head, propping him up. Him in my bed was a good sight. Raising his brows, he signaled for me to get into the bed.

Pulling back the blankets, I slid in. Wilder wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing me to his chest. He pressed his crotch against my ass, and he was growing hard. I swallowed past the lump forming in my throat.

What was his master plan? He got me in bed again. Would he overpower me again? Why was I allowing this to happen?

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said.

My voice betrayed me by coming out in a squeak. Wilder ran his hand down my side and over my belly.

"Why are you so tense?" he asked.

How could I tell this man that he was a walking red flag I allowed in my bed? He won me over with roses that were as red as his warning flags. A small part of me thought there could be some good in Wilder. Telling myself the truth, I knew that I was only putting up with Wilder because I found him outrageously attractive and saw his toxic traits as him having confidence.

"I'm not used to having a man in my bed," I said.

Wilder chuckled. "Don't I feel special."

I giggled. He grazed his fingers along my arm, causing goosebumps across my skin. Dragging his hand down, he slipped it under my shirt and ran his fingers across my stomach. A small moan escaped my lips, and he kissed the back of my head.

"I could get used to this," he mumbled.

Any time Wilder mentioned a potential future together, it brought a smile to my lips. It made me feel good enough to be with someone like him.

My self-esteem needed some serious work. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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