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3rd person

Peter really had no idea of what just went on. But what he did pick up on is that these people went way too far on his friend. He went too far. Diana was his best friend (after Ned duh). But she is a close second. And he told her, "I don't know you anymore, Diana." He said that. To his best friend. What more could go wrong. She hates me.

Natasha didn't know what she did. Or why she did it. She did that to a kid? A kid who has no control over who her father is. She had a feeling, a feeling she couldn't get rid of. What was it? She thought, she thought for a while, then it hit her like a bunch of bricks. Diana was her. Diana, that smart little girl, was Natasha. How could she, the Black Widow, miss that.

Tony, why does he mess up all of his relationships he makes? He thought he was going to have a bond with Diana and Peter. Peters came easier, why? He doesn't know, maybe because he is just like Peter, and Diana is the opposite. He loved texting her, but talking to her was difficult. She is everything he isn't. He felt like he should keep her safe. But he ruined it. God, why am I so stupid, he thought. Why do I ruin everything.

Diana and Sam are sitting outside, Diana's head is on his shoulder.

Dianas mind is so full but so empty at the same time that there are no feelings but an overwhelming wave of feelings that are drowning her. She is lost, to say the least. Does Peter still love me like he does?? Should I tell Sam? She doesn't want to put more of her issues on him. But isn't that what he'd here for? Why is he next to her?

Sam has always felt the need to help everyone. Maybe it's because he was told to be strong by his parents. Or maybe it's because he feels the need to be strong for others. He wants to help so he can break the mold of men, especially black men. He has always been told to watch himself with what he says so he doesn't get the police called on him. He's always made sure to watch what he's wearing so he doesn't look suspicious. So he helps so he can have someone to back him up. He has a love-hate with being an Avenger. But, the perk of being a Black Avenger is that the little black kids look up to him. They have a superhero on screen that looks like them. Before he can say something to Diana, she turns to face him.

Steve does not really know what just happened. What was Bucky on about? Didn't we take down Hydra? He has so many questions but no answers. Also, what was Nat talking about? Who is Drey-um? What's he forgot his name? Dreykov? Steve has so many things to worry about, but he didn't think it would be the kids. He knew things might happen with Diana, but he assumed he and his team could figure it out. He didn't think it would be a huge thing.

No one knew.


What the hell. What the hell. What the hell.

What the hell is wrong with these people. Why are they all yelling at Diana? I get she knows some bad people, but she isn't a bad person. Not at all.

Are they always like this? Maybe I shouldn't have glorified them. They are just people anyway, but as Spider-Man, they are everything to me. They are where I get all of my fighting moves, my humor, my thinking. I made Spider-Man because of them. I want to be them.

I feel bad for leaving Diana, wherever she and Mr. Wilson went. But I knew she wanted to be alone. I would want to be alone, also. She has always been here for me. And I won't even go find her? What the fuck is wrong with me?

Spider-Man doesn't hesitate like Peter Parker does. Sometimes I wish I was always Spider-Man. Sometimes I hate Peter Parker.

"Kid you okay?" Tony asks.

No I'm not fucking okay. Why the hell would I be? I don't know what's going on, I don't know where the hell Diana is. I don't even know if I fucking like these damn people. But I don't say that. All I can say is:

"I think so."

What the fuck. I want to go home to May. The Avengers go to conversation, I'm pretty sure their taking about Diana. I mind my own business, for now. I'm looking around the room trying not to be awkward until I see it.

Diana's backpack.

She doesn't go anywhere without this. It's used in and out of school. That's how much it means to her. It was the first birthday present she got. It was mainly from me. But May helped me buy it for her. I was $17 off. That's why 17 is our lucky number now. I bought it for her in the very beginning of our friendship. I bought it because she had a very very run down one that didn't even zip.

Now it's serious, I need to find her.

I walk out of the room toward the elevator. Where she and Sam went. How am I supposed to find them? This place is 15 acres.

I have an idea! Tony's AI, but I forgot her name—and I don't know how to activate it either. Okay um... My phone!!

I go to Google and search up: 'tony stark ai name' andddd boom. Headlines and headlines and headlines.

'Tony Stark has an AI named "Friday"? What happened to the other one?'

Okay, Friday. Easy to remember, how am I supposed to use it? Or her? I think? I only skimmed the article, it was way too boring.

Let's try something:

"Um, Friday?"

"Yes, Peter Parker?" It-she answered.

Holy shit, that was way easier then planned. Does she know Di? I don't think she will. But she knows me. Well I am an intern for Tony Stark directly. Wait she left with Mr. Wilson. Friday will know who Mr. Wilson is!!

"Friday? Can you help me find Mr. Wilson and Diana?" I basically whisper, I don't want Mr. Stark hearing me.

"Yes. Follow the arrows on the ground, Peter." She answers swiftly.

She leads me to the elevator and takes me to the ground floor, then the arrows point me to the outside. I'm see a lot of grass and the pink and purple sunset. I also see Diana!! She pretty far away but with my super hearing I here:

"Sam? I think Peter hates me. And I know it's all my fault."



So sorry for not posting!! But thank you for 600 reads !!

Remember don't be a ghost reader like and comment!!

I love you all and don't forget to hydrate and eat!

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