Under the ice

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story summary: Hailey rushes across the ice of the chicago river- after a suspect they'd been chasing for weeks.

(Requested by: @hailsupstead)


It had been an extremely long morning. The team had been awake most of the night trying to catch a suspect that's playing with them. He doesn't drive or take a bus anywhere, it's nearly impossible to catch him. And you'd think that it'd be easier to catch their suspects when they're on foot, but this guy, he was smart. He knew what he was doing, and he was going to do it in order to not get caught.

"We need to find a way to catch this guy. He knows what he's doing." Voight frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We could get patrol officers, they could keep an eye. We're chasing a shadow- we go somewhere he was last seen, then he's not there within the couple minutes we get there. This guy is smart- makes Albert Einstein look like a dumbass" Jay scoffed, running his hand through his hair.

"Sarge- we've been at this for days." Kim sighed, looking over at Adam and the rest of the team- all of them looking equally exhausted.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Can't we just-" Kim paused, hanging her head low. "Nevermind, it's nothing" She mumbled, shaking her head.

The team stayed silent for a moment- until the light bulb flicked in Hailey's head and a smile crept on her face. "What if we grid the area?" She suggested, gaining the attention of the crew. "That's possibly our best option here, as he's moving on foot. If we get patrol officers and grid the area where he's seen most on CCTV, we have a higher chance of finding him" Hailey continued, standing out of her seat as she talked about her idea.

"He might've already left Chicago though Hailey" Voight informed and Hailey looked at him bluntly.

"On foot? Sarge he doesn't drive and he doesn't take a cab, or a bus, or train. He walks, there's no way he's walked out of Chicago within the past few days we've been chasing him- and we know he's still in Chicago due to sightings- He's smart, but he's not that smart." Hailey admitted, receiving glances from her team and a nod from Voight.

"Alright, Grid the area see what we can find" Voight agreed, and the team set off to get ready.


Hailey and Jay were partnered up and outside a restaurant. It was as if they were all undercover however in uniform. Their blues.. They were sat outside talking over coffee, to make it seem more realistic that they were just on break.

"I've got eyes on the suspect, Hailey, Jay he's coming your way." Kim spoke into the radio as she sat across the street and further away from them.

"Copy that" Jay replied, sending Hailey a glance and she nodded. The two of them continued to drink their coffee, carefully watching as their suspect walked towards them with groceries.

"Jay" Hailey whispered, nudging his leg from under the table. Jay and Hailey got up and approached the suspect "detective Halstead Chicago-" "hey!" Hailey shouted as their suspect started running the streets, barging past people.

"Jay call it in!" Hailey said as he rushed after their suspect, "CPD stop!" The blonde shouted.

The two of them were jumping over objects and pushing past people, they ran past multiple shops and restaurants. Before eventually coming to a bridge, their suspect ran down the steps heading closer towards the river which was frozen with ice.

"5021 - Henry I've got eyes on the suspect he's running across the Chicago river, I'll need back up and ambos on standby" Hailey spoke into her radio, before heading onto the ice herself and continuing to run after their suspect.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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