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I never really had much of a family, my mum died in a car accident when I was 6 and my dad left me in a house when I was 8 alone, so now I'm living in a care home. I hate them all basically..and being one of the oldest, 15 turning 16 this year, means I don't even really associate with any of the others and they can all be annoying so I keep to myself in my room.

There's this one boy, Tyler who is one of the younger ones, he's only 5, i'm basically like his mum in this's shithole.
I look after him, because he doesn't deserve to spend a childhood in here, I grew up in here, and it hasn't done me any good. 16 and I have anger issues, probably the worst trust issues and I'm probably the most unsocial person you'll meet.
And nobody in the home bothers with me, because they know not to.

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