Chapter 19 - Spare Parts

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NOV 6TH, 2038
PM 08:01

[NORTH slight_decrease]

[SIMON slight_decrease]

[JOSH slight_decrease]

Simon: Markus... You alright?

Markus: Nothing I can't handle...

North: Nice work...

[JOSH large_decrease]

Guard: What are you doing? I told you to-

[NORTH slight_decrease]

[NORTH slight_decrease]

[JERICHO slight_decrease]

[JOSH slight_decrease]

[SIMON slight_decrease]

Markus: Let's get outta here!

Guard: What are you waiting for? Hit the fucking alarm!

[JOSH large_decrease]

[NORTH slight_decrease]

[NORTH slight_decrease]

[JERICHO slight_decrease]

[JERICHO slight_decrease]

[JOSH slight_decrease]

[SIMON slight_decrease]

Guard 1: Don't move, asshole!

Guard 2: Holy shit! Hit the alarm, hurry!

Markus: We need to move!

John: We have to get to that fence!

North: It's too late. If we go back we'll be killed too!

[JERICHO large_decrease]

[SIMON slight_decrease]

[NORTH slight_decrease]

[JOSH slight_decrease]

North: We took what we could, but we had to run before we could fill our bags...

Simon: There won't be enough to save everyone...

Josh: We risked our lives... and for what?..

[JERICHO large_decrease]

[SIMON slight_decrease]

[NORTH large_decrease]

[JOSH slight_decrease]

Josh: How do you feel?

Markus: What happened?

Simon: North went back to save you... We managed to get away before the humans arrived...

Markus: Okay, where's John?

Josh: He didn't make it.

North: We had to leave our bags... We didn't bring back much...

Josh: There won't be enough to save everyone...

Markus: Yes... we took a risk... And yes, we failed... But at least we tried... Of course it would've been easier for us to sit around and wait for something to happen... 'Cause in Jericho you're free, right?.. Free to do what? To die in silence praying that no human finds us?.. Free to hope that one day they'll let us be who we are?.. I don't want that kind of freedom... I'm not gonna beg for my right to smile, or to love, or to stand tall... There's something inside me that knows I am more than what they say. That knows that I am alive... No one's gonna take that from me anymore... Our days of slavery are over. Whatever the humans don't wanna hear, we will tell them. What they don't wanna give, we will take from them. Because we are people, we are alive, and from this moment, WE ARE FREE!

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