Chapter 31.1 - Night of the Soul (Markus)

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NOV 10TH, 2038
PM 04:17

Markus: I miss you, Carl... You can't know how much I miss you... I'd give anything for us to be able to roll back the clock... I had a home, I had a loving father... We were happy... I was happy... and I didn't even know it... I don't know what to do anymore... All of my options are bad ones... No matter what I decide, I know there will be blood... Humans hate us... They wanna destroy us because we refuse to be their slaves anymore... I'm not gonna stand around and wait while they slaughter my people!

North: I wanted to do the right thing for Jericho... I was angry... Angry at humans, angry with us... I was angry with you... But I was wrong. I'm sorry I misjudged you.

Markus: You betrayed me! I trusted you, I don't know how you could turn on me when our people needed me the most!

North: I know how you feel, Markus. You have every right to be angry with me...

Markus: You're goddamn right I do. Humans have decided to exterminate us... Our people are packed in camps right now, being destroyed... Time has come to make a choice, one that very well may determine the future of our people.

[NORTH slight_increase]

[JOSH slight_decrease]

[JERICHO large_increase]

Markus: Now, if they want war... they'll get it. We are gonna fight for our freedom. And we will succeed or die... Are you ready to follow me?

Androids: Markus! YEAH! YEAH! YES! YEAH! YES!

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