The Olympians were sitting on their normal meeting during the winter solstice. The six demigods and centaur attending sat in their chairs. A bright flash erupted then and in its place were a couple demigods. Some were in orange, some were in purple, and a few were in black or blue.
Zeus threw his lighting bolt on the floor, "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY HAVE YOU INTERRUPTED OUR MEETING!"
A blonde girl and back haired boy bowed, "We don't know my lord, did you call us here?" The girl asked.
"No." Poseidon said.
"WHO ARE YOU?" Zeus shouted.
Another flash, this one gray, and the three fates faces the demigods. "Rise!" They turned to the Olympians, "I have called these demigods here to read books about their past, your future. But there are a few rules you must follow."
Clotho spoke first, "You must not harm anyone, god or demigod, and if you stand to do the intentional, you'll pass out for five minutes."
"You must all sit together, around the health or summon couches in the center of the room." Atropos said next.
"And you must listen to the demigods, the future is not the best, and taking their advice will help your fates severely." Lachesis finished.
They turned back to the new demigods, "You mustn't tell anything from the future that has not been said in the books, you can hint at it or speak of it without specifics. Anything else isn't aloud. Have fun." With that they left.
"Well," Hera broke the ice. "I suppose we should all sit at the health, Hestia if you'd allow us."
Hestia smiled, "I'd love that." She summed a few couches and beanbags and the centaur, demigods, and Olympians began to make their way over to the area. When everyone was settled Hestia asked the new and original demigods their names and godly parent.
"Charles Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus."
"Silena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite."
Aphrodite smiled, "Hello darling."
"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena."
"Luke Castellan, son of Hermes."
"Grover Underwood, satyr."
"Zoe Nightshade, lieutenant of Artemis."
"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena."
"John Grader, son of Poseidon, the best one."
"TOU BRONE THE OATH!" Hades and Zeus shouted.
"Oh, and you did not?"
Zeus went quiet but Hades was fuming, "No! I didn't! I didn't even want to be in the oath, yet apparently I'm the only one who can keep it! No wonder your wives hate you!"
"Brother, we can discuss this later." Hestia soothed him, handing him a s'mores she'd made.
Hades nodded and took the s'more, "You can continue."
"Thalia Grace, joined the hunt when I was 15, daughter of Zeus."
"Thalia!" Annabeth shouted, running up to embrace the daughter of Zeus, Grover followed and so did Luke. When their reunion was over the others continued.
"Jason Grace, son of Jupiter." The gods' images flickered.
"Twice! You broke the oath twice!"
"Greens and Romans?" Dionysus shook his head, "I'm gonna need another drink."
"Absolutely not! Your punishment is your punishment."
"Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite."
Aphrodite smiled at her daughter, "Hello love."
"Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus." Hephaestus looked up from what he was working on and smiled at his son. He remembered Leo and his mother, he still checked up on them time to time.
"Frank Zhang, son of Mars."
The gods' images flickered, "Could you use out Greek names?" Artemis said, annoyed.
"Sorry, m'lady."
"Hazel Levesque, I was born before the oath and died in the 1940s, my brother brought me back a couple years ago, after the great prophecy was fulfilled. I'm a daughter of Pl- Hades."
"Nico di Angelo, I was also born before the oath and held in the lotus casino for over seventy years. I'm a son of Hades."
"Percy Jackson, ex-son of Poseidon, adopted child of Hestia."
Hestia smiled at him, "I've always wanted a son."
John rolled his eyes, "You disowned him because you realized I was the only child worthy of your attention."
Nico scoffed, "Like that's true, he disowned him cause he's a blind ass bitch."
Hazel laughed, "That's the best way I think I've heard of someone describing him."
"I've heard a few things around Camp Jupiter." Frank said.
Percy nodded, "The ones over there are creative, you should hear the names Ma, Mom, and Paul call him."
"Who wants to read the books first?" Demeter asked.
"I can." Athena offered. A book dropped into her hands, "Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief, Chapter 1, I Accidentally Vaporized My Pre-Algebra Teacher..."

Reading Pjo: The Lightning Thief
FanfictionDisclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Heros of Olympus, those series belong to Rick Percy was betrayed by Camp Half-Blood and Poseidon- who disowned him -for Johnathan Grader, a new son of Poseidon. The other Olympians, Nico, Frank, Hazel, and...