Her Little Stroll(Sombra)

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Sombra decided to take a stroll around the place, wanting to put herself at ease. Lately, she's been feeling worn down having to take care, and practically babysit, everyone.

D.V.A won't clean up after herself once she's done gaming and snacking. Hanzo sometimes lights the kutchen on fire and calls for Sombra's help. 'I honestly don't know why he can't just put out the fire himself.' And Moira even insisted to experiment on herself as a threat if Sombra didn't stop complaining about it all, which of course, Sombra didn't want.

Sombra shivered as she kept walking, there was no source of heat around the area she was walking around. For a moment, Sombra was thinking of turning around and go back home, but she decided not to cause she really didn't feel like being around anyone right now.

She kept sauntering until she felt completely worn. Sombra sat down near a riverting car and softly sighed. She then curled up into a fetal position as an attempt to keep herself warm.

Soon after, she felt dreary and soon fell fast asleep.

"SOMBRA! SOMBRA, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Someone shouted. Sombra arose and was alert of her surroundings. She brought her gun out and snuck behind the car she was sitting around. Sombra then saw a shadow, she pointed her gun at it, and as soon she saw the figure, she shot. "Ahhh!"

It was D.V.A.

'What in the world?' Sombra thought to herself. She then came out of hiding and asked, "What are you doing out here D.V.A? And why didn't you bring your big fancy robot with you?" D.V.A explained herself and said that she didn't think that there were any dangers within the area. "I scanned the area, I swear I did." She then crossed her heart with her right hand to gesture that she's telling the truth. Sombra sighed and put her gun in her holster. Then, both walked back home, Sombra glad to be finally warmed by the comforting heater that Hanzo turned on just recently.

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