"Better Angela",the Test Subject(Moira)

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Moira was working on yet, another elixer. She had prepared everything and was getting ready to bring "Better Angela" put, but she soon realized that "Better Angela" wasn't in her cage. Moira was in shock and surfed around the place attempting to find her rabbit subject, whilst carrying equipment.

Eventually, Moira found her test subject, but it seemed as though it was occupied munching on carrots and drinking water. She tried to slowly take the rabbit away from her food until Moira heard a loud and irritated voice, and a very familiar one too. "Hey, don't touch that poor bunny!" Moira stopped and looked up at D.V.A, looking upset more than ever. "Well, actually," Moira says. "It's a rabbit, my dear." Moira corrected. "Well-" D.V.A was trying to think of some sort of snarky comeback, but unfortunately couldn't think of any. "Uhhh...doesn't matter! But what does is the fact that you're wanting to experiment on this cutie!" D.V.A exclaimed, pouting and making a sour face towards Moira.

Moira then scrunched up her face and grunted, showing signs of irritation. D.V.A then snatched "Better Angela" as she saw the rabbit was done eating. She then angerily stomped off with Moira's test subject. Moira sighed and decided to let it go, but only for tjis once, she'd make sure to not let this happen ever again.

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