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1993Queens, New York[Queensbridge]

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Queens, New York


        Saturday had rolled in faster than Dominique expected. It was now the day her cousins would be arriving in New York. Her father said he would pick them up from the airport as soon as they landed and called.

Dominique and her parents started to get a little worried when they noticed it was almost 7:00pm and they hadn't received a phone call from either one of the girls. Zara's flight was supposed to be in at 3:00pm and Janae's at 4:15pm.

"Maybe their flights were delayed." Dominique's father suggested as he walked into the living room and glanced at his daughter sitting by the house phone.


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Just when Dominique was about to say something, there was a knock at the door. She jumped off the couch and ran to the door to check the peephole. She unlocked the door and swung it open, giving her cousins an unimpressed look.

"WE'RE HEREEE!" They exclaimed loudly and excitedly with wide smiles on their faces.

Dominique took a quick look at Zara's outfit and large Chanel suitcase and yanked both her and Janae inside by their arms. "Are y'all crazy?! You can't just be walkin' around this neighborhood like that." Dominique stressed as she brought in their bags and shut the door closed.

"And look at you," She pointed at Zara. "Witcho boujie ass. Niggas could've robbed you—"

"But they didn't." Zara cut her off and gave a closed mouth smile before looking at her aunt and uncle.

"Hi Uncle James, hi Aunt Lira." She greeted and gave them a hug with Janae following her actions.

"Hi girls. Why didn't you call to get your uncle to pick you guys up?" Lira asked.

"We got way too excited once we got here and wanted to go site seeing real quick in Manhattan. We thought we'd just take a taxi over here. Sorry if we had y'all worried." Janae explained and apologized.

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