Stage 1 Act 3 - Some Tests

174 4 3

3rd Person Pov

Following behind Amy and Cream, Lock looked around and saw other Mobians going about there business talking and moving crates. Some had noticed his presence and started gossiping amongst themselves on the human being there. 

Lock: 'Man it feels awkward.'

They walked through another set of automatic doors to see Sonika talking with a chipmunk Mobian.

They walked through another set of automatic doors to see Sonika talking with a chipmunk Mobian

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[Sally Acorn]

The tomboy Princess and Leader of the Freedom Fighters and daughter of King Nigel Acorn. She's a confident and outspoken leader but can be gentle and understanding when needing to be, the result of the etiquette she was raised with.

Sonika: "I'm telling you he used it!"

Sally: "Sonika, apart from Eggma'am there are no humans who could possibly handle chaos-"

Sonika: "Well he's here ask him about it."

Hearing what the hero said Sally looked over to Amy and Cream to see that they had brough Lock with them who was scratching the back of his head awkwardly. Sally staring him down didn't make him feel any more welcome.

Lock: "H-hey."

Sally: "So you are Lock I assume?"

Lock: "Yep, no last name just Lock."

She looked him up and down seemingly scanning him making him a bit more nervous. The chipmunk mobian walked up to Lock and looked straight up to him due to the height difference before smiling and reaching a hand in-front for a handshake.

Sally: "You seem like a decent guy. My name is Sally Acorn leader of the Freedom Fighters."

The mechanic was a bit shook from the sudden friendliness but shook her hand regardless since he didn't want to be rude. 

Lock: "Y-yeah, nice to meet you too. So you guys are searching for these emeralds right?"

He brings out the red emerald from his pocket to show Sally since he knew that it was the main thing he was being brought for anyways. Sally looked at the gem awed at the majestic shine that it gave off and reached for it only for Lock to retract it away from her.

Lock: "Lemme join you guys."

Sally: "So you want to be one of us."

Sonika: "I mean crazy scientist is possibly stalking him"

Lock nodded in agreement.

Sally: "Good point. Well Sonika believes you'll be a good help in our search for the emeralds anyways."

Lock: "Really?"

Sonika: "Just a hunch~"

Sally agreed to have Lock join the Freedom Fighters as she had her own theory about the mechanic she wanted to have tested. However, it was getting late and Lock mentioned where he was going to sleep since he couldn't go back to his own home.

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