20 II A professional's proposal

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It has now been two years since both the couples have been dating. Y/n and Sunghoon are the sweet and clingy couple but Jay and Ridhima are the total opposite. Soon the two year anniversaries are arriving for both the couples. Jay and Sunghoon decided to do something very special. So let's see what they did 🌸

Sunghoon POV

Today marked the one week left in our anniversary. Me and Jay decided to have the celebration on the same day as the anniversaries were only one week away from each other. We had planned a very big function as it was going to be really special.


I was cooking breakfast in the kitchen when Someone hugged me from behind nuzzling his face in my neck. I already knew who it was "Awake now sleeping Beauty" I said "Yaah jagiya yk I slept late last night how the hell am I supposed to wake up at 7:00 in the mornin". "Well how should I know that Mr. Park" I said as I turned around but sometimes he gets me. He pinned me to the counter, sneaked his hand on my waist and whispered in my ear in his husky deep voice "Well you should know that your boyfriend likes sleeping Mrs. Park" he pulled away. I swear to god I fell in love with this man once again. He was leaning in to kiss me but Aria came and hugged my legs. In an instant I pushed Sunghoon and bent down to take Aria into my arms. "My princess is awake" I said as I kissed her cheek. She replid with a cheeky smile "Yes mommy" she giggled. "Ok then sit down I am gonna bring you breakie" "Ok mum" with that she went away running. "Where is my morning kiss" Sunghoon said as he pouted, boy oh boy that face is just so squeezable. "Aww my giant baby needs a morning kiss, well too bad I already gave one away" he then replied "Well you know I am a good thief I know how to steal things" after finishing his words he pinned me to the kitchen wall and kissed me. After 1 minute he pulled away and said "mission accomplished" I was left there like a blushing mess but I heard Ari screaming "MOMMY I AM HUNGRY" I snapped out of my thoughts and gave her, her smoothie bowl and cold coffee.

Ridhima POV

I just woke up and felt someone hugging me from behind. I carefully turned around and admired him, waah such a handsome human. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve him. I was busy in my thoughts when I heard a groan from beside me, I guess he is awake. "Mornin bae" he said "mornin Jay" he chuckled at how it rhymed. "Can we cuddle all day" "Sure why not"

1 week later


Today was finally the big day. The boys had picked out a dress for the girls and the girls had picked out a tuxedo for the boys, everyone was coming even buisness partners were there.

( I will show you everyone's looks now you can skip if you want )

Y/n's look

Y/n's look

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