chapter 12 - lotion

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Sapnap's POV

The movie ends, Dream and George are surprising quiet. As I look at the left of the couch I see George sleeping on top of Dream, their both sleep-cuddling. Gotta take a picture to blackmail later, always works.

The picture is cute and perfect to blackmail them. Ohh I'm wondering what they would do for me to not post this on Twitter. Maybe buy me food extra food. Food!

I'm starving, even if I ate the entire bowl popcorn. The lovebirds were to busy with each other to eat. But that's like a hour ago. Maybe there's some fruit

The kitchen is big, Dream pays for almost everything. I mean he is the super multi millionaire. The fruit bowl is almost empty, just a few rotten apples, gross. Food is very important for living creatures, I'm a living creature.

I will die without food so I decide to take Dream's chocolate, he won't miss it anyway.

The milk chocolate with little cashew nut parts in it, it tastes amazing. The first parts of the chocolate I broke and ate one for one, but I stuff the last piece in my mouth at once.

Dream is still sleeping but I see George move slightly, probably waking up. I walk up to him "hungry?" He first looks at Dream below him and stands up heavily blushing. "What-" he mumbles, staring at Dream. "You fell asleep on your boyfriend and now I'm asking if you want food." He scoffs "Clay is not my boyfriend, idiot." He didn't answer if he wants food, he must be starving cause he didn't eat at all yesterday night.

"So what food you want?" He looks away, not showing his face. "I'm not hungry" I'm not sure what's wrong with him but it's impossible after skipping. Dinner, snacks and breakfast your not hungry. "I'm going to take a shower" George already dissapeard upstairs.

George's POV

[TW small eating disorder, again]

Sapnap looks confused as I walk upstairs. Something in me is saying I shouldn't do this and go down stairs to have breakfast. Something else is stopping me and making me feel bad by the thought of food.

I've had a eating disorder when I was 16, the time I got bullied. They kept calling me fat till some point they called me skinny as a stick. They always had a reason to beat me up. I know a eating disorder is bad, but it didn't effect me much. It's not like I was on bad health, all I did was loose a few pounds and get skinny. From that point it looks like a good thing. Maybe I'll try it but if I get sick I'll eat. That's what I promise myself

Suddenly I remember I was here to shower. I grab my towel and clean clothes. As I walk towards the bathroom I hear voices down stairs, Dream woke up.

I love hot morning showers the water feels good as it burns into my skin. The scars are clear in the sight. The water causes my scars only to stand out better.

I heard Sapnap call my name so I get dressed fast. With hair still wet I go down stairs. "George, you can choose the breakfast. Cause what happened last night it's your choice now." Dream smiles, I try smile back but it doesn't work. "George is something wrong?" I shake my head. "It's fine, why won't you make some American breakfast, since I'm here anyway" Dream giggles, "if that's what you want."

"Oh and George I took some pictures of you last night, wanna see them" Sapnap has a smirk plastered on his face I don't trust. Before I can say anything Dream yells. "YEAH" Fuck, he will see me sleeping on top of him like some cat.

Sapnap pulls out his phone showing a picture of me cuddled with my face on Dream's neck. Dream looks confused but kinda embarrassed. "When did you take that picture?" "When the movie ended, you could at least give a warning before making out next to me" " That's called sleeping idiot" Dream scoffs. "I wonder if Twitter would think that to."

Sapnap opens his Twitter clicking on the photo. My heartbeat drops and I shake slightly. Sapnap has more then 3 million followers, they will all see it and maybe even more people. They will think I'm gay, they will get angry.

I don't see anything around me all I see is my mind playing a video on repeat: Sapnap posting the photo and all my followers disappearing with homophobics beating me up.

Like that I don't notice Dream's and Sapnap's worried looks. "NICK LOOK WHAT YOU DID" I hear Dream yell. Somebody grabbing my shoulders and shaking them brings me back to reality. "George?" Dream hold me close to his face still holding my shoulders. "What's wrong?" He looks at me, deep in my eyes. "Don't lie" is all he says before waiting for my answer. I can't just tell about how my trauma effected my personality.

How could I even make it that obvious, I'm just 2 days here. I can't think of any believable lie, so I just keep my mout shut. Or I could tell a little bit of the truth. "I'm scared you'll post it" it's the truth but not the actual story behind it, good save George. "George that's the entire point of blackmailing" Sapnap whines. Dream gives Sapnap a angry glare. "Don't listen to him, Sapnap is just a idiot" Dream whispers in my ear causing me to slightly giggle.

"No secrets" Sapnap stares at us. Dream has a big grin on his face. "Sure, I just told George your a idiot with no sense." Sapnap scoffs making Dream laugh harder.

Dream let goes of my shoulders "I'ma make breakfast now" With that my smile drops. I don't want to eat, it feels bad. I start my phone and check Sapnap's Twitter, to make sure..

[Small time skip]

"BREAKFAST IS READY" Sapnap was already waiting in the kitchen. I walk slowly towards the table.

As I sit down I stare at the food and take a small bite. "I don't really like it" I mumble chewing of the small portion food, which tastes nice. "But you choose this?" Dream asks suspicious. "I wanted to try it, guess I don't like it" I let out a small chuckle. "Alright" Sapnap takes my plate and starts eating it for me. "Thanks" I say leaving them alone again.

I feel like I should get the food out, there's no way I'm putting my finger in my throat for just this.

As I enter my room I forget what I'm even doing here. FUCK I'm supposed to get my lotion for my scars today. I grab my stuff and walk down stairs. "Bye" I say as I open the door. "WAIT! George, where the hell are you going?" Sapnap sounds more worried then curious. "Am I not allowed to go outside?" Dream hesitates but nods.

As I close the door behind me the hot air burns onto my skin. I'm using Google Maps to get by the general practitioner I'm going.

It's a hour walk but it's this or tell Dream and Sapnap about it.

The walk was long and hot but I'm finally there. There's a lady behind the counter. First I gotta join the queue. After waiting a bit I hear my name.

"G. Davidson?" I walk towards the lady. Hi I need lotion for my scars. "Can I see them first?" She asks. "Sure can I do that in a room without all those people?" I look over at the still waiting people. The woman nods. "Follow me right here."

I sit down on a bed in a room not far. Slowly I lift up my shirt showing my scars to the lady. "Hm, what lotion do you use normally?"

I name the one I use in England and she helps me choose a new one from Florida. "Thank you" I say walking away with my lotion.


1350 words

All scars are pretty <3
If anyone reads this, I'd love comments.

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