Chapter 15-The End

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Though Laney’s friend promised they would help Laney with the problem of getting suspended, she still listened to McGonagall and began to pack up her things. The Headmistress had sent her a letter saying she would be suspended for the rest of the school year. A day had passed and she still hadn’t received an owl from her parents yet. Laney began to worry, even though she constantly reminded herself that worrying ment she would suffer twice, yet the thoughts intruded her mind.

The day that she was meant to leave had finally arrived. Laney had packed up all of her books, parchment, and everything else she would need, and headed to the Headmistress’s office. On the way there, Hagrid, Addison, and Frank stopped her to wish her a farewell. “It was nice gettin ter teach you this year Laney. I’ll see you next year.” Hagrid said, giving Laney a smile. Addison wrapped her arms around her friend. “Don’t get into too much trouble at home. Owl me every week, okay? I want to hear about all of your adventures.” Laney smiled. “I think I’ve had enough adventures this school year. Back to a quiet life for me.”

Lastly, was Frank. “Thanks for befriending me.” he said. “It’s no problem at all. Thanks for going on all those crazy adventures with me.” Laney said. Frank looked up at Laney. “You know, you’re truly the most wonderful person I’ve ever met.” “Oh, really? Well, thanks! You’re a pretty fantastic person too.” said Laney. After exchanging a few more goodbyes, Laney made her way up to the Headmistress’s office. Laney spotted a girl standing at the top of the stairs. It was Matilda.

“Matilda! What are you doing here?” asked Laney. “I came to say goodbye. I know that today is your last day here, at least for the school year, and I wanted to thank you.” Matilda said. Suddenly, she pulled something out of her pocket. It was a gold necklace with a white moonstone hanging off it. “Wow, that's ever so lovely, but I can’t accept this gift. I know you want to thank me, but your sincerity is the best gift I could receive.” said Laney. “Please, I insist! Addison told me how much you love crystals and stones, and I got this specifically for you. You’ve helped me more than you know, so please, do take the gift.” Matilda pleaded. Laney paused, and after consideration, she took the gift. “Thank you Matilda, for everything.” And with that, Laney made her way into the Headmistress’s office, where her parents awaited.

“Ready to go?” Rolf asked. “Wait, I need to speak to McGonagall first.” said Laney. McGonagall looked at Laney with a curious expression. “I’m all ears.” she said. Laney took a breath. “Well, I know you're mad at me for having my case here at Hogwarts, and I do sincerely apologize, but please let me bring it next year. I promise, none of the creatures are dangerous. And I won’t sneak off to the Forbidden Forest again if it makes you feel any better! Just please let me bring my case with me to Hogwarts again next year.”

McGonagall looked at her with a serious expression, then allowed her face to soften. “Laney, I’m not mad, it's simply school protocol. You know, you remind me of one of my friends that I went to school with. She had a case just like yours, except she couldn’t go in it. She’d always get into these crazy adventures, and drug me into them! Only because I let her, but still! Though I was not quite fond of the rule breaking, I still stuck by her side. I admired her for how passionate she was about her creatures, much like you. Now, as for bringing your case to school next year, well, I’m sure we could arrange some things for that. Just don’t go around telling everyone you have a case full of magical beasts in there.”

Laney looked the most excited she had ever been. “Thank you so much Headmistress!” Laney said as she hugged McGonagall. Everyone was a bit surprised by this, for they knew Laney was not a hugger. “Well, we best get going.” Rolf said. “We’ll schedule a time for you to come over this summer and check out the case Minnie.” The Headmistress nodded. “I’ll be awaiting your owl.” With a few final goodbyes, Laney, Rolf, and Luna made their way out. “So, what fun adventures did you go on while at school for the first part of the year?” Luna asked. Laney scratched the back of her head. “It’s a long story.”

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