17• Liskatus Escapes

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“The picked trainee wouldn't need to be that expensive."
"Furthermore, his worth definitely wouldn't be nearly as valuable as Yosano's!” says Gunther Meyer. “Sacrificing a little trainee for the sake of our next top SB superstar totally sounds like something we can consider."
"Oh my God," Wolfgang exclaims. "I just thought of an idea!! That will solve for us not only this problem, but also the whole of vote three! We can simply find an illness that would disable Yosano for a duration of one year, forcing him to go into hiatus, have a hospital stay followed by recovery, and aptly justify his absence to the public, which would make everything easy for us!"
Murmurs of amazement rise all around the attendees, and even Lee Mason brightens up.
"What an amazing idea!" He exclaims. "How did I not think of this! Yes, it would indeed solve so much, if not everything, indeed! We should totally do this!"
"Or," Kwangjo exclaims, his old eyes lighting up, "we can give him a physical injury! It would be more straightforward, and easier to believe and put in application! For example, something caused during dancing, something even more serious than what Yichen and Seungjae had recently. Something serious enough that will require a long enough recovery and rehabilitation. Such as breaking his tibia!"
"Sirs, I don't think this is all a good idea," croaks a voice at the end of the table.
"Who ASKED you for your GODDAMN opinion??" roars Lee Mason furiously, slamming his fists into the table as he stands up, glaring daggers at the silver cage. "You ugly piece of shit! Do you think we're stupid? We have been cutting you slack for too long! Don't think you're not dispensable, cat demon. Continue these insolent remarks and this attitude and you'll turn into a steak side dish for our next dinner at -13. It could even do some good to try a fresh P.A.D for this stubborn miscreant rotting away in our dungeons. GOD! Can you believe it's come to the point where we have to do an entire meeting just because of this boy?" He asks to the attention of the circle around him who have all stared at their CEO's uncharacteristic but understandable outburst with straight postures, before finally sitting back down with an exasperated sigh.

His anger calmed down a bit, he turns back to his audience.
"I agree with Mr Seo that an injury would be even better than a sickness. It's something we can actually do, realistic, and with much less risks if done in a well studied manner. Breaking his legs or something similar could be a good idea. But it should ideally be something that will not prevent his launching into the night market if the programming is completed before his recovery."
"Like breaking one hand."
"Or his elbow."
"Or an ankle!" says Yosano's mother.
"May I request a favor, sir?" Seo Kwangjo speaks up again. "Whichever body part you finally decide… may you grant me the honor of being the one to apply the blow to him? The boy has tormented me so much these past months that I feel like he's reduced my life expectancy by over eight tens. Maybe this gesture will give my heart some amount of peace, to launch my finally starting post-number 181 madness road back to sanity with a good foot."
"May the Lord give you a long life, dear Jo. I trust your capable hands. The favor is granted."
Still reeling in rage from the tone the old fart dared raise at him, and the new dark turn the already despicable meeting has just taken, Liskatus decides to pick this moment to get out of his cage. What's the point of being there anyway, when these people clearly don't need him?
Unbeknownst to his superiors, there is a technique he has always secretly known which can defeat the spell locking him inside. He has never used it, not on any of these countless times he got lugged around like the prisoner he is at the hands of SB's programming department, his undying loyalty always keeping him obediently in his place, wherever it was, never being affected by anything, never questioning anything… But in the past few months, this has slowly started to change. For the first time in the three decades he has been working with SB, the hold they have been having on him has started to crack, causing him to get himself into more and more recurrent rebellious acts. Just like what he's doing right now, his usually inky black eyes flaming bright red as the lock bursts into dust in a silent explosion under his focus.

This is all their fault anyway. The reason for this unexpected breach in the formula is no other than them and their stupid tenaciousness on Yosano.
Swiftly switching invisibility on, he builds a precautionary copy of himself in his place to prevent the audience from seeing anything of his discreet escape. But this copy of him is no more tangible than a hologram, he knows, very aware of how temporary the artifice will be as he braces his four legs and propels himself off the edge of the table, landing on the sill of the nearest window, proceeding to slide right through the glass. By the end of this meeting, they will find out about this.
But he can't bring himself to care.


That's right, Liskatus is walking out of a window on the highest floor of a building 🐈‍⬛😏

1 vote= 1 prayer for Yosano
(Prayer time for Liskatus coming up soon)

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