Entrance Exam

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3rd Person Pov

The Entrance Exam for Duel Academy has started once again with new applicants participating in order to further their education and become strong duelists in the game of Duel Monsters. Many of the applicants were lucky to pass their exams, while others did not have much luck and were sent home and told to try again next year. The duel between Dr. Vellian Crowler and Jaden Yuki that captivated the applicants and students from Duel Academy that came to watch had ended with Jaden being the winner. Crowler had left the dueling field as he grumbled to himself seeing how he was humiliated by the newest student.

Crowler: He made a mockery of me! And in front of my students as well! I'll make sure that Jaden brat won't last one week at the academy, even if it's the last thing I do!

???: Doctor Crowler, sir!

Crowler stopped and turned towards the voice as one of the school faculty members in charge of the exams runs over and stops in front of the professor.

Faculty Member: We have another applicant that had just arrived late, sir.

Crowler: So what? Just tell them to try again next year. We already have enough applicants to deal with.

Faculty Member: But...the applicant is a member of the Nakiri family and the Nakiri Foundation.

Crowler jumped in shock at the news as he immediately sweat dropped and almost became weak at the knees. To Duel Academy and its staff, the Nakiri Foundation had helped create the school with a large amount of funding as well as giving them most of the technology they need and equipment for others classes. Crowler stammered as he had no words to say as he quickly stood up straight and looked at the Faculty Member.

Crowler: Some of the students came to this event, correct? Was Amelia one of them?

Faculty Member: Yes, sir. She's in the stands at the moment.

Crowler: Good. Have her come down and duel the applicant. She should be more than enough to test their skills in a duel.

Faculty Member: But that's not in the rules, sir. We have guidelines to follow and-

Crowler: JUST DO IT!

The faculty member jumped before nodding and quickly took off, leaving Crowler in the hall as he stood composed for one moment before fainting and hitting the ground. In the Duel Dome, the crowd that came to the event continued to watch the test duels as they progressed. Two figures in the crowd stood as they looked to the fields as one was an older female and the second was a younger male.

The young male had a slim form with short white hair and red eyes, often compared to a rabbit when most looked at him. He wore a while long sleeve shirt and black pants with a beige belt that had a silver buckled and brown shin high boots. The young boy leaned on the railing, a red and black colored duel disk on his arm as he watched the duels go on.

The woman next to him has fair-skin with red eyes, the same as the young teenage boy next to her and short, silver hair that has a longer left hair strand where it initially reaches the bottom of her chin. Her figure was slim and curvy with a perfect sized chest as she wore a purple dress that stopped mid thighs that showed a small bit of her cleavage while a white lab coat covered her arms and down to the end of her dress. The two were Alice and Y/n Nakiri, mother and son and current Heads of the Nakiri Foundation.

Y/n: When is it gonna be my turn? We got here on time, well, almost on time.

Alice: Relax, sweetheart. You'll get your chance. Besides, they wouldn't let a child of the Nakiri family not be one of their students if they want their funding.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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