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Hwa young pov :
I guess its because of the most skilled mafia am dealing with and its been a long time since i dealt with one.

"Why dont we start with your new office ?" Jimin said looking at me with lustful eyes as if he'll devour me.
"Sure sir" i ignored the signs his eyes were giving me.

As we're walking , i quickly glanced at him from head to toe , without him noticing , makes me wonder how he has an inncoent face and his files says opposite about his actions.

"This is your office , right next to Taehyung's office." He gestured me to enter so i walked in. It was like a regular office , every company have for their employees.

"There is a secret room behind the wall which has weapons and disguises stored." Jimin smirked while he opens the room. "These would come really handy to you." He pointed at the guns and combat knives. They really have a proper storage , i internally smirked.

"This room is connected to all the room on this floor. There is a storage room on each floor , so there are total four." He said with a lustful look , a stubborn one he is.

"Sir can we proceed to the other floor ?" I asked being as much polite as i could but internally i was eager to end this. "Ok then follow me." He said proceeding towards the elevator. His intentions are real down bad , i gotta be carefull around him.

We got off the elevator on the 4th floor , he made his way to a room , it has no labels.

"This is an empty cabin , we keep our extra files and all here. Our torture chamber is connected to this room. Do you want to take a look at it ?" He smirked while waiting for me to reply him , filthy bastard.

"No sir , thank you , i am not interested in that." I denied. "Very well , the tour ends here. You can go to your office and then later you can ask Hose- i mean j-hope about the mission Hana."

"Ok sir , thankyou." I bowed and left for my office. Now that i am alone , i'll have to look for a camera.

Jimin pov :
She is beautifull no doubt , but her being new i fear that i wouldnt have told her about the secret chamber. I hope namjoon hyung wont get mad at me for that.

I dialed hyung's number and after few rings he picked. "Hey jimin , is the tour done ? Is she trust worthy ?" He kept the questions infront of me and i gave my honest opinion to him "hyung she seems loyal to me."  "Well , to be carefull we need to put a spy behind her untill she proves herself trustworthy."  "Hmm , ok. For now i am heading home and am taking your car. So , you have to come with someone else."  "Ok" he hung up the call and i made my way to the elevator.

As i sat in the car , a thought of having a coffee striked me. I drove to the cafe and parked my car , just then my phone rang. It was tehyung's call.

Otp :
Taehyung : jimin we have a mission. And with that 'we' i mean , only you and me. Do you have equipments with u ?

Jimin : Fortunately , yes i do.

Taehyung : Ok then , i will meet you at your current location in 30 mins , be ready.

Jimin : ok , i aint sending you my live location just track me with your watch.

He hung up the call with a ok and i wore my mask. I ordered a coffee and sat near the window while waiting for taehyung. My coffee arrived in 5 mins and i took a sip of the warm liquid.

Soon , i saw a black car outside the cafe which seems familiar to me. My phone dinged and i saw a messege from tae that he have arrived. No doubt why the car was looking familiar.

I went outside and took my guns and other weapons and kept them in the trunk of taehyung's car. Sitting on the passenger seat , i asked "so , whats the mission about ?" He started driving.

"A low-life drug dealer has killed 5 of our special force members." I turned to face him with a *seriously taehyung* look. "You called me for this ? Really ? To kill a low-life drug dealer ? Seriously ? Thats how cheap you think i am ? This could have been handeled by our forces , we have so many of these stupid shits !" I sat back on my seat , crossing my arms on my chest.

"I told same to Jin hyung ! But you know him right ! He started rapping on me. So here i am. Going with a cheapster to handle another cheapster." I gasped at his words. "Thats how you talk to your hyung ?!" He rolled his eyes "We hardly have 2 months difference."
"What ever"

"And for your kind information , we are going to be in attack mode and not in defense mode." He said. "Thats cool , so we are going to have a combat practice i see."
"Ya , utilizing my time as i have to take revenge from that agent bitch after all." He clenched his fist on the steering wheel and accelerated the speed.

"Ig your ego's hurt. After all it was your first time to get your ass beaten up by an agent and the cherry on the top is that she's a girl." I giggled a little and he rolled his eyes. "Says the one who was having stomach ache because of how hard he got kicked by that cherry in the stomach and was roaming around holding a hot water bag to his stomach."he laughed and this time i rolled my eyes. Soon after 15 mins , he stopped the car infront of an under construction building.

Sorry for the late update ❤️✨️

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