~Part Two~

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"This garden is huge!" Said Charlie closing the gate behind him, "oh my god" Sam said surprised, they were all amazed at the size of the garden. It seemed to go back at-least fifty meters, and the width had to be around five meters, on each side there was a stained wooden fence that ran parallel from each other. James looked to the top of the garden but couldn't see through the darkness and the crowds of people who were standing around, he noticed some faces he recognised and others he did not, "let's go put our bags inside before anything happens to them" Joe said walking to the patio doors and openings them, the others followed, they entered a dark room with the table pushed against the left wall, the music was just as loud inside as it was in the garden.

The room was huge, the floor was tiled in a black marble like stone, there were multi coloured fairy lights handing on the far side of the room above an old fireplace with logs in, and on the right was a door leading to the kitchen. Joe walked towards the table edging past the groups of dancing teenagers and put his bag down, he unzipped it and pulled a beer out before pushing it under so that no one could see it. The others took a drink out of their bags and pushed them under the table. "I guess it's time to mingle" Sam chuckled, he was the most confident out of the four at party's and was always the one who approached a girl first and sparked a conversation with them, the four of them had a system that surprisingly worked, at the start of the night they would always play a game called 'three facts about yourself', it was simple, they all had to go up to random people and ask them three facts about themselves and they would say facts about them back, this usually broke the ice and allowed conversation to flow more easily.

Beers in hand the four of them pushed past the crowds for the second time and entered the garden through the patio doors they had come in through, they stood on the stone and closed the door behind them, looking for a few people they knew. Joe squinted, looking far into the distance of the garden, "that's our lot, c'mon, we gotta at least let them know we're here before we all get too drunk to remember" he laughed, the other three laughed as well. They all stepped onto the grass and started walking over through the darkness and deafening music and approached them.

James took a sip of his beer before someone had jumped on his back and threw their arms around his neck, he heard a girls voice in his ear shout "guess who!?" and he immediately knew who it was, it was his friend Chloe who he hadn't seen for quite a long time, they had been friends for years and what made their friendship special was the fact that they had helped each other through very rough times within each of their lives, he doubted he would be standing there if it wade through for her. The girl jumped off and James turned around to see her staring back, she had long brown hair, blue eyes and freckles over her face, Chloe was in the year below the rest of them and was far smaller than James and this is what he always teased her about. Before even a word was spoken they hugged each other, "I haven't seen you for like forever" Chloe muffled through James shirt, still wrapped around James torso, "it's been months" James replied finally letting go. The other three had already walked off, they didn't the notice they had left James or Chloe because of the loud music and darkness. "I know! You guys broke up months before our year did! It's so unfair!" "Well that's what happens when you go to sixth form I guess" James stated, "pfft shut up you mess" she said jokingly, "how long you been here?" James asked, "not long, not seen many people I know, so thank god you guys are here" Chloe answered, "c'mon I think our lot are over there anyway" James said starting to walk up the grass with Chloe beside him.

They reached the group of people and were instantly greeted but several people, James knew all of them closely as he had spent the past five years of secondary school with them , however since the pervious year some people had left for external placements and did not go to the same sixth form as the four boys did. Someone approached James, it was Aaron, he was one of the people who had left and hadn't shown his face for a very long time just because of the sheer fact he was so busy with his apprenticeship, "come on, bring it in" he said smiling with open arms, James put his arms around Aaron and squeezed tightly, "nice to see you again" he said, they both let go and went back to standing in the group.

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