And it probably wont get easier just easier to hide

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It felt weird to tell Stan I loved him but I hoped if I said it enough maybe he would understand that I meant it more than in a platonic way, he'd understand that I was in love with him. I laid awake listing to everyone's breathing out of rhythm from one another, Cartman not so softly snoring. I was on the edge of a tangle of legs and arms now. Cartman and Kenny kept their movie-watching positions but Stan and I had some reason switched. Cartman laid on his back now with his legs spread out inside down from the rest of us, his head next to one of Kenny's feet. Kenny was laying diagonally with one food next to Cartman's head the other across his chest. Kenny was slightly twisted and he rested his head on Stan. Stan laid on his side curled almost into a fetal position with Kenny's head nuzzled into his side. Stan had wrapped his leg around mine and I could help but smile as we all lay together in a massive tangle.

Everyone one of them looked younger in their sleep, more innocent, and not like we were all constantly hanging to life with a death grip. I contained to stare into the darkness trying to sleep while I got the occasional kick or elbow or someone groaned in their sleep murmuring something. I envied them all for being able to sleep so soundly while I couldn't. I had a heavy weight in my chest like someone was holding down my chest. In so many ways we'd all grown up but we were all still the same boys who met in elementary school and became the type of friends that never really changed or grow apart. I knew inside that everyone in this room would grow up together and we'd always be there for each other. The thought made me happy but sad all at the same time.

Stan frowned in his sleep and groaned. He extended his arm to reach over me and pulled me closer to him i could tell even in the dark he had a slight smile on his lips. I suddenly now felt the sleep coming on as I yawned settling into Stan's warmth. I closed my eyes wishing we could sleep like this all the time I miss him even when he was right here I wish he knew how much I loved him and how much he meant to me.

I was awoken by a flash and a click from a phone camera followed by a laugh I could only place as Cartmans. I angrily opened my eyes.

"Oh my god guys you look so totally gay!" He shouted as Stan started to wake up. Kenny was still asleep wrapped up like a burrito in all our blankets. Stab still had his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest. I breathed in the scent of cigarette smoke embedded in his t-shirt along with the Lemmon scent on his soap that clung to his skin.

"Cartman what the fuck are you doing?!" Stan yelled letting go of me.

"Fuck Stan why are you yelling this early?" Kenny mumbled half asleep.

"Because fat ass is being a dick he was taking pictures of Stan and I sleeping!" I yelled.

"Cartman leave them alone dude it's too early for your antics," Kenny grumbled audibly, annoyed.

"But they were so totally being gay for each other! Super boyfriends!" Cartman teased.

"Sorry Kyle I didn't mean to be all cuddly and shit," Stan said embarrassed. Don't apologize I don't ever want you to let me go.

"No dude don't worry about it I usually wake up holding a pillow, it's nice to hold something in your sleep," I reassured.

"Yeah, you probably imagine it's your super boyfriend!" Cartman snorted and revived a swift kick to the head from Kenny who was by no means a morning person.

"OI! Kenny what the fuck!" He yelled in response rubbing the spot Kenny had kicked him in.

"I said shut up Im tired," Kenny pulled the blankets further over his head. I felt my face getting red and hot from anger. I was sick and tired of all of Cartman's teasing I hated him calling Stan and I super boyfriends no matter how much I wanted that to be true coming from him it meant to be an insult and demeaning.

"Ky your face is all red are you okay?" Stan asked in a sweet soft voice.

"No Stan I'm not okay! I'm tired of Eric's shit!" My feelings started to boil out. "I'm tired of him calling everyone gay even though he's the one who watched the kissing booth, not me! I'm tired of him always ripping on me and I'm sick of hearing it towards everyone else!" I snapped

"The kissing booth?" Kenny asked now sitting.

"Yes, the fucking Kissing booth!" I yelled at Kenny.

"Kyle calm down," Stan grabbed me empathically.

"No! I'm not standing for this shit in my own house when I didn't even invite him because I knew this shit would happen! Fucking delete the pictures of Stan and I your retarded fat fuck!" I demanded not releasing how loud I had gotten.

"It's not a big deal Kyle," Stan tried to calm me down.

"It is to me!" I protested, "And if anyone's going to have pictures of us sleeping together I want it to be me," I said quietly but not quietly enough.

"Dude, what's that supposed to mean?" Stan laughed awkwardly. My face flushed.

"It's the principle! I don't want Eric to take pictures of me and you sleeping unless I want the fucking pictures that's what I meant!" Stan nodded his head letting me know I had successfully covered up the true meaning behind my statement.

"Jeezus Kyle you sound like your mom," Cartman rolled his eyes.

"I do not!" My voice cracked a little.

"If it will make your vagina stop bleeding then I'll delete the picture," he sighed.

"Your. Not. Fucking. Funny." I said threw gritted teeth.

"Look Kyle it's all gone," he showed me his photo gallery with no sign of me or Stan anywhere.

"You guys suck! I'm going upstairs to go back to bed fuck you all!" Kenny yelled making his way out of the blanket fort still wrapped up in blankets. We all took a moment and then burst out laughing at Kenny's childish outbursts.

"The dudes not a morning person," I laughed.

"What is it so funny when he gets all bitchy like that?" Cartman giggled.

"I don't know but it always is funny when Kenny gets tired like that," Stan remakes. Our laughter died down and we sat together now catching our breaths.

" well I think I'm gonna go guys I haven't changed and brushed my teeth in like two days I feel gross," Stan said gathering his things ready to leave.

"And if Princess Kenny is going to continue to be sleeping beauty there's no reason for me to stay either," Cartman said also gathering his things. Both of them left and I started to disassemble our fort putting away the blankets Kenny hadn't taken and putting the pillows away. My phone rang and I saw an incoming call from my mom, I slid across the screen to answer the call.

"Hi, bubby!" She excitedly squealed.

"Hi mom how's California?"

"It's very nice Kyle lots of sun and your father and I are having a wonderful time! How about you boys I called Ike but didn't get an answer,"

"Yeah he's still asleep-"

"What at almost noon?" She cut me off.

"Yeah, we had a long night he asked if Stan could come over so we built a blanket fort in the living room and invited Kenny and Cartman over too. We watched movies really late and he didn't want to go to bed because he was having too much fun," I explained

"Aw, Kyle I'm so glad you let your little brother hang out with your friends like that! It's so sweet!" She went on to ask about all the boys and Butters as well. She continued on complaining about a restaurant she went to and the hotel pool but still told me what a great time she was having. My dad was at work so he couldn't talk to me but my mom told me he missed both Ike and I and she said before hanging up she missed us both and to have Ike call her when he woke up. 20 minutes later I hung up telling her I loved her and missed her too and almost on cue Ike came downstairs wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Where is everyone?" He asked.

"Stan and Eric went home, Kenny moved upstairs I started taking down the blanket fort sorry buddy."

"Oh yeah Kenny's asleep in the hallway I think he's mad because I tripped over him," I laughed at the thought.

"Mom wants you to call her by the way," I told him.

"Jeez Kyle let me wake up first!" He squeaked at me and I laughed.

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