You say I'm changing, sorry I didn't know I had to stay the same

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The conversation with Stan left me feeling deflated, emptied out almost like our conversation had taken out part of my chest. My phone lit up the screen being overtaken by an incoming Facetime call from Ike. Talking to him was probably my least taxing option, between, Stan and the countless missed calls from my parents I needed to talk to someone who wouldn't make me want to blow my brains out. I couldn't avoid it forever and Ike didn't really even know what was going on, he didn't deserve to be ignored, he deserved answers.

I swiped to answer the call, "dude what the fuck! Moms loosing her mind what did you do?!"

"Well hi to you too Ike, I'm doing peachy thanks for asking," I rolled my eyes with a sly smile, "also don't say fuck."

"Why it doesn't hurt anybody? Fuck fuck fuck-idy fuck," he teased

"I swear to fuck you ever quote Cartman again and I'll drop you back to Canada," I ran a hand down my face, god I love the kid.

"But seriously what the fuck happened? Wait- sorry sorry- what the fart's happened?" I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"No no pleasure don't say that again 'what the farts?' Stop, fuck was better, say fuck please," I wheezed out

"Make up your mind Kyle," he huffed but there was t much malice behind it. "You're dodging the question though."

I took a deep breath letting out a drawn out sigh, "yeah I kinda came out to ma? I mean it really wasn't a coming out it was- you know what it doesn't really matter how ot happened it just matter that it happened. I've been avoiding them since our 'talk'," I put "talk" in air quotes as it seemed more like an interrogation and defense trial.

"So they know?"


"Guess it didn't go great?"

"No, 'iTs A sIn'" I said in a tone mimicking my mothers high pitched voice.

"Oh Jesus Christ on a biycical and Mary on the handlebars!"

"Dude-" i sputtered out laughing trying to speak through it, "you say... the weirdest shit! What the hell was that?! Mary on the handle bars?! Oh fuck I think I'm going to piss myself!" I grabbed at my side the painful side stitch from laughing forming. It was so stupid but it was what I needed. Too much heavy shit had gone down and it's like Ike knew I needed this. God I love the kid.

"I don't think mom meant it tho, Ky you should really talk to her she's like super upset," Ike's voice had a hint of pleading to it.

Hearing that made my mood shift the fast it's ever changed, "yeah whenever she apologizes to me," I rolled my eyes.

"Dude you know she gets all heated and says a bunch of crazy shit she doesn't mean," Ike tried to defend. "She's been acting all moody Kyle, like last night she was like crying? I mean mom cries a lot but I think she felt bad?. I knew you guys fought, shit I heard it but didn't really hear what it was about. I think she knows she was wrong, I don't know her and dad are all whispery with each other? Its freaking me out they don't act like this, all secret. You know how dad is, he wants to be upfront with us about everything, he wants us to grow up adapted and he thinks we should know everything, so you could understand why him not telling me shit is freaking me out!"

It was laughable, mom being wrong? The Sheila Brovfloski? Wrong? It was in fact so laughable that I couldn't help the giggles that did end up escaping my throat. "I'll believe it when I see it," I grumbled after I killed my slight giggles. "Ike they're probably talking about disowning me or something I doubt she feels bad, just listen I'm sorry they aren't telling you things but what you need to know is they know I'm gay, they know I'm in a relationship with Stan, and they think I'm just being 'influenced' by him! Whatever the hell that means!" I huffed in frustration.

"Kyle I just- wait! Hold up! Back the fuck up dude! Stan and you?" His mouth hung open in shock. It took a minute for the shock to wear off he blinked dumbly, "you can't just drop something like that on me! ...Damn I own Craig money now," he murmured but loud enough I could still here it.

"Wait! Craig?! Like Craig Tucker?!" It was my turn to have my mouth hung open in shock.

"Well yeah what other Craig's do we know?" He shrugged so causally.

"Why do you owe Craig money?!"

"Because he said you were gay and would end up with Stan, I said you'd end up with Kenny, felt like he'd be the one to pull you out of the closet, you know with some experimentation," he wiggled his eye brows at me.

"Oh my god! Ike Peter Brovfloski! That's so fucking- UGH!"

He just shrugged while I continued to make an assortment of baffaled noises. Th fucking audacity of this kid!

"When did- you and Craig?! When? Why? Fucking how?!" I couldn't form a coherent sentence.

"I went over to Trisha's house for a social studies project and he said, 'are you brovfloski's little brother?' So I said yeah and he said, 'You know gay knows gay and man does Kyle look formimlar, guess it's not a family trait,' and I told him it's because we're not related the gay gene didn't get to me, and then I told him I don't think you'd come out until Kenny tired to fuck around and find out. He said no way, it'd be Stan you've been pining so hard," Ike just shrugged.

"Oh my fucking god! This shit is unbelievable!

"Yeah it's only 20 bucks but still I could have used that!"

"No the fact you bet against me with Craigory fucking Tucker! Oh my god!" I got over my initial shock and started to laugh, "fuck it I'm never coming home now," I laughed.

"Oh come on that's no fair!" Ike laughed with me. We both died down and settled catching our breath. "So you and Stan hun? I mean I guess I can see it makes sense."

"Yeah he makes a lot of sense to me," I smiled dumbly thinking about Stan, he was perfection, he completed me. For a moment I forgot about everything that happened that morning. I forgot about the conversation Cartman and I had planned to talk to him about his drinking, I forgot about how mad he god, how defensive he got, and only thought about those beautiful ocean eyes. I could only think about the way his face crinkled so perfectly when he smiled wide, a toothy off-white smile that was so genuine it made my heart jump. "He's just... he's my world, like the oxygen I breathe I don't think I'd be able to survive without him," I said dreamily. "He's always been there and we've always been us but like now it's different... it's just so much more."

"... ew that's hella gay," Ike rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Ike!" Leave it to him to ruin my moment, but after all that's what little shits of brothers are supposed to do, it was on me anyway for getting any form of vanrable with him.

"Ky-" Ike was cut off by a high-pitched voice.

"IKE!" A shrillness and volume that could only be achieved by my mom, "Who are you talking to? I asked you to put the laundry away twenty minutes ago!"

"Sorry ma! I was just getting to it."

"No you weren't you little delinquent! It's like that thing is super glued to your hand! Turn it off! Right now!" She demanded and before I could even say anything the screen went dark.

"...bye" I mumbled to no one.

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