S1 , EP11

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Brooklyn, New York


1 month later

• My eyes dart between Jazmine and ka'leeahs face, as a look of worry spread across both of their faces. "Y'all good?" I question, my eyes slightly squinted.

"Yeah...why?" Ka'leeah asks, looking at me, with a hint of confusion spreading across her face.

"No reason." I quickly reply to make sure the conversation doesn't go any further, once again I turn my attention back towards Jazmine as her eyes dart up to mines.

I slowly turn my body towards Kacey who hasn't talked since we all arrived in the cafeteria.

Out of frustration my hand slams against the table and now everyone's attention was on me. "What the fuck is wrong with y'all?" I ask, my voice slightly raising with each word.

"What do you mean?" Ka'leeah says, gently rubbing Jazmines back.

I shake my head and get up from the round cafeteria tables not even having the energy to reply.

Tf up with them niggas, they acting mad awkward. Especially Kacey because her ass never quiet. Looking down at my shoes I feel a body collide against mines making me look up seeing a girl about a few inches taller than me.

"Yo you know where the cafeteria is?" she asks as I let out a cough backing up from her. "Yeah it's right through those double doors right there." I reply , turning my body to point at the doors that I just walked out of.

"Appreciate it." She says picking up my phone from the ground that fell when we bumped into each other. "And you dropped this.." she says putting the phone in my hoodie pocket before walking through the double doors.

"Who tf is that..." I whisper to myself walking towards the girls bathroom.


The silence at this table was killing me, I don't know what happened this past month but it feels like everybody just fell off. 

Me and Jazz been good, a few arguments here and there but that's was happens in relationships. My mom has been out of town for work but I know her ass out with that man she be on the phone with 24/7.

I snap out of my thought when I feel a hand gently grab my thigh. "Lunch almost over mama, you gon finish your food?" Jazzy says looking at me.

"Huh- oh nah, I'm not hungry anymore." I say and smile a little getting up before grabbing my tray walking to the trash can.

I get ready to turn around feeling eyes burn into the side of my face making me look up. "Umm oookay..." I say while walking back to my table after noticing that tall girl staring at me.

I sit back beside Jazzy and lay my head on the table. "Can lunch hurry up and fucking end yo, I need a blunt rn." Kacey says looking up at the cafeteria ceiling.

"You need to stop smoking." I hear a familiar voice rasp out seeing raven walk up towards the table sitting back down in her original seat.

"I don't need to stop shit dick face." Kacey replies pushing her AirPods deep into her ears. "Yo ass gon go deaf nigga watch." Ace says laughing.

"Shut the fuck up loser." Kacey says mushing his face.

I just giggle quietly watching them interact, finally a little bit of the tension has been eased.

The bell rings as the cafeteria gets louder, all the students rushing out of the double doors to get to their next class while we take our precious time. Jazzy looks at me and stands up stretching her hand out for me to grab it.

I hear a scoff in front of me making me look up seeing a mug spread across Ravens face.

Letting out a sigh I roll my eyes and gently drag Jazmine through the double doors.

Brooklyn, New York
Ka'leeahs house


• "Whew Chile, I'm sleepy!" I yell dropping down onto my couch, jazzy following behind after me.

My phone vibrates making me pull it from my pocket seeing a messages from Raven asking me to come over real quick making me scrunch my face up. I reply with a okay n sit up slipping my crocs back on.

"Where you goin?" Jazzy asks sitting up as well. "I'm just going to a friends house really quick, she uh wants to talk to me about something." I reply and kiss her cheek heading for the front door.

"Okay ima go with you." She says and stands up walking behind me, I turn around gently push her back in the house.

"No it's okay. I'll be back baby, it'll be quick." I say and quickly shut the door before she can say anything else.

Brooklyn, New York
Ravens House


A knock on my door makes me jump up from the couch, walking towards the front door. "Who is it?" I yell unlocking the door. "It's me." Ka'leeah says with a annoyed tone. "Can you hurry up it's cold!" She yells pushing the door open as soon as I twist the door knob.

I watch her as she walks towards my couch not bothering to take off her shoes or coat. "You not gon take ya coat off or anything?" I ask raising my eyebrow. "Nah we just talking real quick right?" She says crossing her leg over the other.

I let out a sigh and sit on the other sofa across from her. "Ight let me get straight to this." I say clearing my throat.

She nods and keeps staring at me with an eyebrow raised. "So uh, I've had feelings for you ever since I met you. and it's been pretty hard to keep trying to hide how I feel every time I see you and Jazmine all over each other—" i look down and clear my throat once again. "— I just wanted to know if I have a chance with you, or-" I start but she cuts me off with a sigh making me look up towards her.

"Raven..look, me and Jazmine are together. We've been together for a while now." She says giving me a look of sympathy. "I wish you would've told me sooner we could've worked something out-" she starts again but I cut her off by standing up with visible anger across my face.

"I gave you hints Ka'leeah! Visible ass fucking hints! But you wanna know what you did, you always kept fucking looking at Jazmine! All it ever was; was Jazmine! It was never raven so stop with that bs." I yell my eyes scanning her face.

"I-...Ima give you some time. Alright?" She says and stands up heading towards the door.

"Look I'm sorry for yelling I just—" she cuts me off and shakes her head. "No you're fine, I'll talk to you a bit later.." she says and walks out of my door without looking back at me.


>>> to be continued...

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