A d e | t h i r t e e n

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In the eight months Daniel and Abi had been together, Ade had learned one thing and one thing only: how to be a third wheel. He took his job with a pinch of salt and preferred to wriggle out of his third wheel responsibilities with one of the many girls he'd slept with. Unfortunately, Miriam made that impossible, for if he was certain of one thing, it was that he had to be good. So, when Daniel and Abi returned to the flat hand in hand, Ade hunkered down for what promised to be the longest night of his life.

"How was dinner?" Ade asked when the happy couple collapsed onto the sofa.

Before responding, Daniel focused on shifting Abi onto his lap and leaving a trail of kisses from her cheek down her neck. "It was good," he said once he came up for air. "Next time our parents come for a visit we should totally take them."

Ade smiled despite the fact he knew he's parents would rather skip another dinner with Daniel's and instead said, "I'm glad you had a nice time."

"Miriam would love it," Abi added quickly. "You know, for your date."

"Date?" Daniel glanced between them. "When did this happen?"

"Last night," Abi said.

Ade scowled at her, but she simply grinned and snuggled closer against Daniel's chest. "Shit, congrats man."

"Don't sound so surprised." Ade rolled off the sofa and stalked towards the kitchen.

"I'm not." Daniel raised both hands; Abi huffed and dragged them back to her waist. "Anyway," he said, "when is it?"

"Tomorrow night." Ade grabbed a glass from the cupboard beside the stove and filled it with water from the tap.

"Where are you going to take her?" Daniel asked.

Abi shook her head. "The more important question," she said, "is what are you going to wear?"

Ade finished his drink in four quick gulps. "Why does that matter?" he asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Because if there's one thing Miriam loves, it's a well-dressed man."

"I can dress well," Ade bit out.

Abi raised both hands and frowned innocently. "I never said you couldn't. I just also know what Miriam likes."

"Why?" Ade frowned, both hands gripping the edge of the countertop. "Has she said something?"

Abi grinned like a Cheshire cat, licked her lips all predatorily, and opened her mouth, but Daniel got in their first. "Ryan's going out tonight," he said. "We should go to."

"Ryan's always going out." Abi frowned; any sign of her earlier delight was now burned in an ashen heap.

"So don't come," Ade said.

"I'm sure you'd love that," she said, smiling sardonically, "but remember, I hold the keys to Miriam."

"The keys?" Ade rolled his eyes.

"I mean if she and Wes are back from her parents then I'm sure I could get her down there."

Ade stiffened. Her parents? Wes went to her parents? "Why did they go?" he asked in as even a tone as he could manage.

"It's her dad's birthday," Abi explained.

Bile rose up his throat. He and Daniel were closer than close, but he wouldn't dream of intruding on one of his parents' birthdays. And yet here Wes was with privileges Ade could only dream of.

"Invite her," he said determinedly. "But only her."


Miriam arrived an hour later than everyone else with an unwanted guest by her side. Ade could barely conceal his grimace while she and Wes slipped through the crowd, his arm clinging firmly to her waist. Thankfully, Abi sprung from her seat, forcing Wes aside, and practically threw herself at Miriam. From his spot, Ade couldn't hear a word that passed between them, and watched instead as Miriam turned to Wes, muttered something, then headed towards the bar with a laughing Abi in tow. Wes then took a seat as far from Ade as humanly possible.

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