M i r i a m | t w e n t y - s i x

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"So how is it?" Abi asked while collapsing onto Miriam's bed.

"How's what?" Miriam fell beside her.

"The sex." She flinched. "Wait, hold on, are these your sex sheets?"

Laughing, Miriam shook her head. "We haven't had sex," she said.

"What do you mean you haven't had sex?" Abi turned on her side, eyes so wide they were halfway out of their sockets. "Why the hell haven't you two had sex? He cooked for you, Mer. Cooked. That might be better than sex."

Miriam's laughter only grew. "We haven't had sex because we're taking things slow. There's a lot at stake here, you know."

The sound of the front door opening interrupted Abi's response. It was quickly followed by footsteps and then Wes himself standing in the doorway of Miriam's room. "Hey," she smiled up at him. He didn't return the gesture and instead asked Abi to leave. A request she was far too happy to comply with as she slid off the bed and scampered away.

"Call me," she shouted before the front door slammed shut.

Miriam expected a kiss, if not kisses. She expected Wes to wrap her up in his arms and hold her close. But instead he remained in the doorway, maintaining some distance, and fixed her with a stare that was both parts tender and withering.

"What's up?" Miriam asked, sitting upright, and crossing her legs.

"I'm going to ask you something," Wes said. "And I want you to be totally honest."

"Yeah, of course. What's going on?"

"Do girls pay you to get revenge on their exs?" His voice was level, expression blank, and yet, his words alone were enough to make Miriam's heart stop.

"P-pardon?" she spluttered.

"Do girls pay you to get revenge on their exs?" Wes repeated himself, over-enunciating each syllable.


"Don't lie," he said.

Miriam licked her lips and glanced up at the ceiling. She told herself it would all be okay, that it had to be. Wes knew her, he understood her. Once she explained herself, he'd get it. He had to.

"Yes," Miriam whispered.

"What was that?" His gaze hardened, impenetrable and unrelenting.

"I said yes." Miriam's hands balled into fists. "Girls pay me to get revenge on their exs."

Where Wes had been fort knox, he crumbled, face falling, body slumping, grip slackening. "What the fuck?" he whispered.


"No, you don't get to talk." Wes slapped the door frame; Miriam flinched. "I can't believe you, Miriam. That's fucked up. I mean, who made you judge and jury?"

"No one," she said, voice raised to be heard over his. "But you don't understand. People around here need this. Guys like Ade don't know what it's like—"

"So, you did this to Ade?" Wes was scarily calm again.

"Yeah, but only because—"

"Do you know who Hilary is?" he asked.

Miriam racked her brain, thinking back to all the women she'd helped over the years. Except there was no Hilary, so she shook her head.

"Back in first year," Wes said, "she was dating Ade. And I—"

"Slept with her," Miriam murmured.

Wes straightened. "What was that?" he asked, head cocking to one side.

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