always and forever

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just fluff <3 very self indulgent </3 rough day today :(

Your muscles ached, begging you for a break you couldn't afford to give them. You'd forgotten your laptop and had to walk out of class, all the way back to your dorm to get it. Your shift was long and tiresome, your battery drained more than you could handle. The thought of having to wake up and do it all over again made frustrated tears prickle at your eyes.

The domino effect didn't stop there; you'd gotten home and had a pile of chores waiting on you, the stress from seeing the dishes piled up almost sending you over the edge. You had no energy but you could not rest.

Your breaking point came when a dish slipped out of your hand — the one Ethan made you one on of your first dates — and shattered into tiny pieces on the floor. You stared for a second, your brain working hard to keep up, before you felt the heat rise to your face and the tears start to flow.

You were so fucking clumsy.

You barely heard the footsteps or the sound of your name until Ethan's hand was on your shoulder, forcing your blurry vision to focus on him.

"Hey, you left your door unlocked..."

"Of course I did," you replied tearfully.

Ethan gave you a look and glanced at your feet, where his gift once was.

"Oh, baby..." Ethan said softly, leading you away from the sharp shards.

He led you to your bed, taking a seat in the corner and pulling you atop of him. His shirt was dampening but Ethan carried on rubbing slow circles on your back, strong arms acting as your rock.

Ethan didn't need to know what led you to this point, knowing how you tended to let things build up until you couldn't hold it in anymore. And every time, he would be there to take care of you and try to stop it from happening again.

Ethan hated seeing you in pain, but he would coax you through it until he saw you smile.

Ethan waited until your sobs became shudders before pressing kisses to your dampened face, salty tears transferring to his lips.

You looked up at Ethan with a desperate look in your eye.

"The plate—"

"I'll clean it up," Ethan promised, but you shook your head.

"I'll make you a new one. I'll make you twenty new ones," Ethan pressed another kiss to the back of your hand as you wiped your eyes.

"I dropped it, Ethan. And I forgot my laptop went I went to class and I forgot to lock my door and—"

Ethan could tell you were on the verge of tears again, so he pressed a chaste kiss to your lips.

"It's okay. That's why I'm here."

"I don't get why you are. Why aren't you tired of it?"

"Because I love you," Ethan said simply. It was obvious to anyone, but it was the first time he'd ever said it to you.

And just like that, your brain cleared and your heart did a leap.

"You love me?"

"I love you."

There was no expectation in Ethan's voice, no push for an echo of the words from you. There was nothing but sincerity and honesty, as if he was telling you the sky was blue.

You took a shaky breath and rested your head on Ethan's shoulder, pressing your lips gently against his neck. Ethan's hands were under your shirt, warming up the cold skin of your back. His arms were a refuge for you to escape your bad thoughts and as Ethan kissed your head, you knew there was nothing getting in the way of that.

"I love you," you whispered but you knew Ethan heard. His ears turned pink and he sank down until you were half laying on him and half on your mattress. Ethan kept you there, protecting you from everything upsetting you had gone through.

Even at your lowest, Ethan loved you, confident that it would never cease. And as you stared at Ethan, counting the soft freckles on his face with a delicate finger, he knew it was true for you, too.

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