Chapter 5: Watermelon Green Tea.

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Luo Yaoshuang stood at the door and watched, but did not go in. As a result, that alpha walked straight towards Luo Yaoshuang and said, "Miss Luo, thank you for your help." 

Luo Yaoshuang felt speechless. Why not embrace her freshly baked boyfriend and be affectionate at this time? Instead, she had the mood to challenge her former competitor. 

Luo Yaoshuang imitated Qi Zhao's appearance and smiled softly, "No need to thank me. He and I are just ordinary friends. Seeing him happy, I can only bless him." 

The alpha still wanted to stop Luo Yaoshuang from saying something, but was pushed away by Luo Yaoshuang's smile. After getting rid of the man's entanglement, Luo Yaoshuang sent a message to Qi Zhao saying "I have to go now" and then turned and left. 

The autumn wind suddenly rose, blowing away the smell of smoke and alcohol on Luo Yaoshuang's body. The artificial moon in the sky was like a delicate jade plate, silently emitting a faint light. 

Luo Yaoshuang sighed deeply and thought to herself: she would never come to this kind of place again. As an "old person," she really couldn't stand it. 

It takes a dark demolition area to get from the bustling city to the suburban gathering place. Luo Yaoshuang hummed an out-of-tune tune and met a group of fierce and evil men after walking only a few steps. 

"Did you find it?"

"No. Don't worry, his mating period has arrived, and he can't run far." 

"Damn it, if I had known, I would have brought an alpha with me. Let's see where he can hide!" "Stop talking and hurry up to find it, otherwise we won't be able to escape the blame from above."  

". . . . . ."  

Luo Yaoshuang heard that they were looking for someone, but she wasn't the type of person to meddle in other people's business, so she put the matter out of her mind. 

Suddenly, Luo Yaoshuang stopped and looked towards a dark alley. 

A faintly sweet watermelon scent drifted from the alley, like an invisible thread, pulling Luo Yaoshuang to open Pandora's box. To make matters worse, she found that she was having a physical reaction. 

Luo Yaoshuang: ". . . I'm the pervert."  

After silently reciting the core socialist values ten times, Luo Yaoshuang finally suppressed her desires. After thinking for a moment, she decided to walk towards the alley. 

For some reason, Luo Yaoshuang could see the road clearly even in the darkness. Perhaps it was due to the evolution of her body's functions, she thought. 

At the end of the alley was a pile of debris, and the sweet watermelon scent became even clearer. Luo Yaoshuang found that the core socialist values were no longer effective, so she immediately carried the Constitution of the Republic to calm herself down. She didn't want to go to jail before living a comfortable life. 

Just as Luo Yaoshuang was about to turn on the lighting on her brain, a blurry figure rushed straight towards her. She once went to a Sanda class as a sparring partner to earn some money during her college years. She learned by stealing techniques and accumulated experience over time, and her level was comparable to that of professional players. When faced with danger, she instinctively fought back. 

However, after only a few strikes, the person seemed to have lost all their strength and fell into her arms. The strong smell of watermelon filled her nostrils. 

Luo Yaoshuang: "I miscalculated. Are there still people trying to scam others in the interstellar era? I don't have any money!!!"

The person in her arms was very hot, and a burst of watermelon scent pheromones emanated from the back of his neck. Luo Yaoshuang could clearly see his flushed face. What's worse, she felt like she couldn't hold back anymore and wanted to do something immoral. 

Transmigrated into the Interstellar World as a female Alpha [Female A, Male O]Where stories live. Discover now