Secret lover chapter swenty seven

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(omniscient POV)

All day long, all day Oli's phone was ringing like everywhere he went his phone just kept going off it was starting to get to the point we're everybody would just except it and will know when it's about to ring.

Jacob: So I was thinkin-


Jacob groaned and turned to Oliver as they both looked at each other

Oliver: I know it's ringing I'm trying to ignore it!

Chris: Obviously who ever is calling you wants you to answer it-

Oliver: I know ok I know!

Jacob: well? who the hell is it?

Oliver:Ok if I tell you promise you won't tell nobody else

Both Chris and Jacob looked at each other back at Oliver and nodded, to curious to even ask  why they couldn't tell

Oliver: Ok so Noah the "friend" I was talking about last Thursday well he's my ex and me and my mom put him in a mental hospital after he tried to shot and kill me

Jacob: The fuck why didn't you tell yasin or Jordon

Chris: right how can he even call you so many times if he in the mental hospital

Oliver: That's the thing he got out last Thursday and he keeps harassing me I blocked his number so many times but he keeps getting new ones I think he knows were I am but he just won't show himself

Chris: If your this nervous maybe you need to tell them so they can help you!

Oliver: I don't want nobody to get hurt!

Jacob: Well you don't want to keep living in fear that would put you in danger even more

Chris: yea We'll be there for you but you need to say sum or this ain't never gonna end

Oliver nodded taking all this information in he wasn't the type of person to go to get help right away he was so stubborn he just wanted to handle everything himself without being a burden to other people he cared about that's most likely why he got hurt or he was always in dangerous situations because he kept things in secret and never asked for a hand for anything

Oliver: Ok thank you I will tell them later tonight, I really needed that talk

Chris: of course Oli

Jacob: Yea we'll always be there for you during these times that's what friends are for-

He couldn't finish his sentence bc his phone had a notification causing him to open it

Jacob: And I got to go my new friend is coming to see me and he's almost here so I gotta get ready

He rushes up from the couch and ran up the stairs past Damen

Damen: Okay then- anyways Oli you seen my phone?

Oliver: Nope, Chris you seen it?

Chris: It's in the  kitchen on the counter

Damen:  good lookin out

Oliver waited till Damen walked in the kitchen to start talking to Chris

Chris: what why are you lookin like that!?

Oliver: when you gonna talk to him?

Chris: pft- oh your dead ass

Oliver straight faced him

Chris: Oh that's even funnier! What he did to me I ain't Talkin to that nigga again he lost my trust and with my ex best friend puh-lease

Oliver: You don't got to get back together with him just- I don't know just talk to the nigga so y'all can stop being so awkward

Chris: he needs to talk to me first

Oliver: ok I get that I guess but if he does talk first you can't be disrespectful!

Chris Okay- I guess

Oliver: Chris come on!

Chris rolled his eyes and smiles at Oli finding his little pout cute

Chris: Okay I won't

Oliver: promise?

He held out his pinky for Chris to link his pinky together, so that's what Chris did

Chris: I promise

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