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In a land far away, in another planet named Gliese 667 Cc by the humans on planet Earth. Gliese 667 Cc is 22.18 light years or 223.5 trillion kilometres away from Earth so it would take a long time for the Humans on Earth to get to Gliese 667 Cc.

However, Gliese 667 Cc has its own humans inhabiting it. Not only are there humans inhabiting it, there are people called 'Monsters' too. The 'Monsters' are formally called Dōbutsu monsutā by the Humans inhabiting Gliese 667 Cc or just Monsutā. In this World, they live in harmony with the humans.

The inhabitants of Gliese 667 Cc live in small villages they call home.

Inside a rather big cave, there lies a tree glowing with vitality. Above the tree is a hole to the surface. There are glowing crystals on the ground and the walls, glowing brightly due to the magic that the tree emits. It bears two fruits, one golden apple and one apple that bears the color of midnight.

There is a village nearby the tree, a rather lively village with children playing together and adults who are walking around. This is the village of Hikari no ninaite or the village of Light Bearers. This particular village prays to the tree bearing two fruits. The reason for that is because there have been many tales about that particular tree, some bad, some good. The tales of the tree from the surface does not hold true to the true origins that had been passed through from villager to villager.

Let me tell you all the story of the Tree of feelings.

There was once a young woman named Lisa who fell in love with a Dōbutsu monsutā named Leo. It was at the time when Humans and Dōbutsu monsutā hated each other. At that Era, there were Dōbutsu monsutā that can change their appearance to look like humans called Torikaeko.

Leo was a Torikaeko who met a human named Lisa who ran away from her family due to the pressure the put her in to marry Helio, a rich human. Leo, in his guise of a human, understood that Lisa needed help to get away from her family and told her she could come with him to his home. Lisa, despite being hesitant, decided to go with the Torikaeko.

The Torikaeko led Lisa to the entrance of a cave. She can not see anything inside the cave as it was very dark. Still at the entrance of the cave, Lisa began to regret her decision of following a random man to his home, yet she continued to follow the man, knowing that he's going to do something bad to her but a small part of her knows that he's going to keep her safe from her family.

As they walked through the cave, Lisa began to see a hint of light. As they got closer Lisa began to see her surroundings. When they got out of the dark path of the cave, Lisa was amazed to see a beautiful yet simple house surrounded by beautiful flowers and crystals.

Leo saw how she reacted and smiled, the look of amusement in his eyes. Leo led her to her own room in his house. Lisa was very greatful for the man and thanked the gods for letting her meet the man.

After a few years of living together, they got closer. From strangers, to friends, and to lovers. They wrote their story inside a book that they made. One day, Leo revealed to her on what he truly was and was happy to know that she still accepted him. A few months later, Leo was preparing to propose to Lisa. He got a golden ring with a small lily flower that was made of red diamonds. When the time finally came, he proposed to her. Lisa was surprised and started crying. The man she loved had finally proposed to her. She hugged him tightly and told him that she agreed to marry him while smiling brightly. Leo carried her happily to their room.

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