Bad News and Misunderstandings

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"Ehh? Gunpla Breakers Battle Space is shutting down for good?"

A pink haired girl nearly fell off her chair had it not been for the brown leafy haired boy catching her before it happened.

"Yes Sana. It is true. This means that I am the last official Gundam Battle Tournament Champion and that you are the last Gundam Build Tournament Champion," responded the boy who caught her.

He put her back down and got out a poster that confirmed the rest of their club's fears. The Battle club that they had tried so hard to keep afloat was going to end because the program they amongst many other people used, was going offline permanently.

"Ryusei, it also says that they will be remotely shutting down all their servers so we can't even use the simulator to continue our battles," informed a young short boy who had been working on a computer earlier.

Ryusei, the leafy haired boy, nodded and pulled out a letter.

"I know Ichiho. That's why I was given this."

"Due to the end of Gundam Breakers Battle Space, all future tournaments of both build and battle will be suspended. To compensate, a sum of 1,000,000,000 capital will be delivered to all pro players and tournament champions. In addition, please either spend or use up all your tickets as they will no longer be usable once the game ends. We also ask that you turn in any remaining haro chips as they will be rendered obsolete once the game ends. Players will be compensated for their trouble. The sale of any haro chips will no longer be available, effective April 3. Any other materials ranging from parts, items, frames, bonus traits, and custom skins no longer have any function after Jun. 4 of this year. Please use what you can. Thank you for playing."

Ryusei looked up at his dejected club members.

"Did everyone get one?" asked Sana.

Ryusei nodded.

"It's in the mailbox and their official site as well."

"Confirmed," stated Ichiho.

"So what will we do now? Fight them until they change their minds?" asked a large muscular boy with greased black hair.

"Easy now, Tsukumo," warned Ichiho. "Fighting them won't change their minds. The game has been in decline ever since the beginning of this year and many pros have actually moved on in life."

A dark gray haired girl nodded. "Mr. Gunpla has changed from battling to building the real things only. Mr. Koshiba, Nao Mochizuki, and Akane Komatsu have stopped playing as well. They've moved onto other things in life such as the new first person shooter Gundam game, creating real life custom builds, and many more."

"Wait, so what will you be doing then Mizuki?" asked Ichiho.

Mizuki got up and showed them a new gunpla. "I'm going to follow the steps of some builders and start doing builds only."

Ryusei nodded before pulling out a new poster. "Ran Kotomori was quick to respond to this incident and gave this to me. She told me to tell the rest of the club that if they want to participate in one last battle tournament, this is the place."

"Hey, isn't that the venue where the Guerilla Battle Tournaments take place?" asked Sana.

Ryusei nodded.

"She, along with the Guerilla Battle Tournament organizers decided to organize one last Guerilla Tournament where the prize will be a set of Cosmic Era Gundams that Tomori Enterprises has produced along with two copies of the original Gundams that they made. Just like all the others, this is a two person team tournament where the victor is chosen by their number wins. I'm already going with someone by the way."

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