Chapter Four- Mini Misshaps

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Your P.O.V.


I wake up to the sound of an alarm blaring and a groan. I open my eyes and quickly sit up freaking out then everything from last night comes back to me. Oh yeah, I'm stuck in 2006. I sigh leaning over onto the back of the couch now tired again due to my panic subsiding. Bill sits up and yawns turning to me and freezing. Soon he unfreezes and I see a look of realization come across his face. He smiles at me and I smile back lazily. I decide that I probably can't sit here forever so I stand up to stretch. Tom is still out cold and Bill gets out of bed to shake him awake as if he's done that a million times before. I head to the bathroom and look in the mirror my hair is a disaster and I don't have a comb or brush or anything I sigh and walk out of the bathroom looking at Bill who's still trying to wake up a now whining Tom and I smile. I decide to ask Bill if he has an extra comb or brush I can use.

"Hey, Bill?" He looks up from shaking Tom and turns to me curiously, "Do you have anything I can borrow to fix this mess." I then motion to my hair and he chuckles going through one of his bags and pulling out a brush with the label still on it as he hands it to me he speaks.

"I tend to buy extra before a trip because I lose things a lot." He chuckles and goes back to trying to coax Tom out of bed. I giggle at their antics and head back to the bathroom to brush out my hair. Once I'm done I realize I have nothing to wear. I didn't exactly plan to get stuck in the past so I couldn't pack for it. Since I have no other choice I put on my dirt-covered clothes from last night. When I walk out Bill looks confused before his eyes widen.

"We should get you some clothes shouldn't we?" I nod my head and look at Tom whos now sitting up in some sort of daze. Not much of a morning person huh? He notices me and perks up. I'm not sure if it's because he forgot I existed due to his sleepy state but he seems surprised I'm here. I then see his posture relax once more when he realizes it's only me. Bill who got dressed and put on a hat while Tom and I had our mini-staring contest decides to speak up.

"We have some time before we have to leave which means we can get you some clothes and other necessities." I nod in agreement and speak.

"So when do we leave?" Bill smiles and answers.

"Now is perfect." I look over at Tom who has finally gotten out of his bed and he just nods signaling that he's fine. I look at Bill and nod. He heads to the door opening it saying something to Tom in German before closing the door.

"So what did you say to him?" Bill laughs.

"I basically just told him not to do anything stupid." I nod as we start our journey to the nearest store with all the things I need.

Once we finally find one I remember that I still have money. I then realise it's useless most of this money was printed after 2006. I shove my money in my pocket and look at Bill reluctantly I decide to ask him.

"Can you pay for me? I wasn't exactly prepared for this." Bill chuckles and looks over at me.

"I never expected you to pay after all most people aren't given money when they're kicked out of their house." Oh yeah, that's the story I told them huh? I nod and we keep walking through the store eventually we grab all the things I need. We head up to a register with a nice-looking middle-aged lady and she begins scanning our items she looks up at us and smiles.

"You two must be a couple that just moved in together. Did you forget a few things in the move?" We both look at each other and blush. We shake our heads at her. I answer first.

"No um we're friends going on a road trip and I forgot a few things is all." She nods at me and winks which makes me even more red. She tells us the price and Bill pays and we get out of there fast. Bill and I look at each other on the walk back and start to lose it laughing.

"Did you see how red you got when she winked at you?" I hit his arm.

"Yeah, but you should have seen your face as you were paying." He nudges me with his elbow. We begin to calm down as we get to the hotel's front doors. His eyes suddenly widen and he turns to me quickly.

"I never explained to you that we're in a band. I haven't even told you our names! Why did you even trust us without our names!?" That's because I already know them but I probably shouldn't say that.

"Reminder you saved me. Plus I at least know who you and Tom are because you guys called each other out by name a few times." He then calms down a bit shaking his head.

"Well, you obviously know who Tom and I are. The other two are Georg and Gustav. Georg is the one with brown hair and Gustav is the blonde." I smile and nod listening to him explain that they're a rock band from Germany. I know all of this already but seeing how passionate he is about it is so sweet that I can't help but smile.

We head back into the hotel room with all my things Tom is still in the room now wearing normal clothes and browsing the T.V. channels. Damn, it's weird to not see people scrolling through their phones. I head into the bathroom to change into some of the clothes that Bill just bought for me. I get out of the bathroom and sit next to Bill on his bed. He looks over at me surprised and I decide to take that as my sign to speak.

"So when do we leave." Bill looks at the clock and turns back to me.

"In about two hours." I nod and lay back in his bed. He chuckles and moves to the couch.

I guess I fell asleep cause I woke up an hour and a half later to Bill shaking me. I groan and sit up.

"It's time to get ready to go." I notice that Tom is packing up his things so I grab my bag of clothes and other things and sit on the couch waiting on them to finish. Once they're done all three of us head to the lobby where Bill walks up to someone who I assume is a manager of the band. He begins to speak in German motioning to me a few times. I assume he's explaining the situation. The manager then nods motioning to me. Bill walks over to me with a smile.

"I explained your situation to our manager and he agreed with my original plan so you're allowed to come with us for the rest of our U.S. tour and if you can't find anywhere to stay you can live with us in Germany." I smile at him and give him a hug which causes him to freeze for a moment before relaxing into it and hugging me back. The manager then shouts something in German which I assume is him telling the boys it's time to go since Bill grabs my hand and drags me to the bus. As I get on the bus behind Bill I whisper to myself.

"I guess this is it."

Lost in Time a Bill Kaulitz x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now