Chapter three: After levels

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Fawn POV

I sat on the couch waiting for mommy to get home, and it felt like forever. I guess I feel asleep because I was waken up by the police.

"Little girl, time to get up" I heard a cop say in a deep voice.

"Hello" I said sleepily while sitting up on the couch.

"Something happened and we need you to come to the hospital" The policeman said, I could tell he was hidding something from the look on his face.

"Urm uh sure" I said tiredly. I got up and followed the cop slowly outside. I looked up at the sky, it was a light purple color that made me smile. I went to look at the cop and tripped over something, the cop quickly helped me up. I looked over at what I tripped over, two small packages one green one blue. I picked them up and put them in my pocket, I didn't have time to look at them now the cop was waiting on me. 

"Come on little girl" The cop said obvouisly annoyed.

"Mm hmm" I mumbled.

The cop opened the back door for me and told me too get in, I hesitated but managed to get in. Did I do something wrong? I don't think so, the cop said we were going to the hospital. I was to tired to think anymore so I drifted off into a short rest.

I woke up to the sound of the police car door opening. I looked out the window and saw we were at a gigantic hospital the size of godzilla.

"Its time to wake up" The cop said sternly. I unbuckled and stepped out of the car  to stand in front of him.

I looked up at him with my buggy puppy dog eyes. I was scared and worried so I couldn't help it.

"Why are we here" I said tiredly while yawning.

"Well....." The cop stuttered at what he was about to say.

"It's okay, you can tell me" I said sweetly, acting sweet and innocent can get answers out of an adult.

"Something bad happened. We found your mother uh dead and your sister is in a coma" The cop stuttered out, whispering every word.

Even though the cop whispered I heard everything, and I didn't believe a word. I didn't know what a coma was but it sounded horrible. I understood death though, I shivered at the thought of it. Dead, my mommy is dead. Tears started running down my eyes. I will never see her again. No, mommy can't be dead she is too nice and young to die.

"NO! SHE IS NOT......SHE IS NOT.....DE...." I choke on the last word and break down on the ground crying my eyes out barely able to breath. No one is here to comfort me anymore.

I stand up slowly and lean on the side of the car.

"Come on lets go inside, you'll be able to see your sister" The cop said sofly.

I walk closer to the cop but still out of reach of him.

"Sir, what is a coma" I say softly.

"Well....." He stutters at his words for a moment "It's like sleeping for a long time, but sometimes you don't wake up" The cop says slowly.

My eyes widen at what he just said.

"So its like being dead" I say terrified.

"No..... no, no, no. Lets go inside i'll show you." The cop says quickly then he grabbed my arm lightly.

I couldn't take it I heard loud screams and felt tears stream down my eyes. The cops face changed dramatically and he tried to clam me down.

"Stop screaming please" I heard him whisper. It felt like he was far away.

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